Forgivness Also Comes With a Surprise

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     Brianna got out of bed and cooked some breakfast for her family when her phone buzzed. It was Val. She hasn't talked to her in forever!

~*~Phone Convo~*~

B: Hello?

V: Brianna... I'm sorry.

B: It's okay Val, Avery beat me the most.

V: But I still feel terrible and I need to turn myself in to the police!

B: Val, I forgive you.

V: You do?

B: Yes. You have to love emenies as much as you don't want to, but I will NEVER forgive Avery.

V: I'll never forgive myself for hurting you and C-Crystal...

B: She made it.

V: Crystal made it?! OMG HOW?!

B: She is a strong girl and Logan and I had a boy 3 years ago.


B: I don't know!

V: What is his name?

B: Joel David Henderson.

V: So Crystal Lynn Henderson and Joel David Henderson. Wow. Are they anything like Logan?

B: Crystal looks like Logan in the face, but in girl form. She has his eyes, nose, laugh, and lots more. She pretty much exactly like her dad.

V: Twins!

B: HAHA! Yes! And Joel is like me... alot...

V: So the like father, like son doesn't really apply in the Hendersons, does it?

B: Nope. Not at all.

V: Well, I guess I go because my mom will probably yell at me if I'm not home.

B: Okay, bye girl. It was nice talking to ya.

V: Bye!

~*~End of Phone~*~

     Brianna felt a familiar pair of arms wrap around her waist. "Hey angel." Logan said and kissed her neck. Brianna turned around and kissed Logan on the lips. "Morning sweetheart." Brianna said and turned back around to finish making breakfast. "What? You don't like my kisses anymore?" Logan asked in a childish tone of voice. Brianna turned back around and kissed Logan on his lips for about 10 seconds. "Better?" Brianna asked as she pulled away. "Not yet.." Logan said and pulled Brianna back in for another kiss. They kissed for another 10 seconds. "Now, that's better." Logan said and pulled away. Brianna laughed and went back to fixing breakfast. Logan kept his arms around Brianna's waist. "And now the food is ready." Brianna said fixing Logan a plate of food. "Thanks baby." Logan said and kissed Brianna's cheek then sat down to eat.

     The kids were sleeping longer then they usually do. Brianna went to check on them. She found Crystal hugging her stuffed animal then she turned to Joel's bunk bed. She saw him sleeping exactly like Logan, he was smiling and laughed a little in his sleep. Brianna smiled and walked back to where Logan was. "Can't believe their sleeping later then usual." Logan said a little surprised. "Well Joel is sleeping like you and Crystal is sleeping with her little stuffed animal." Brianna said and sat beside Logan. "Let me guess, he is smiling in his sleep." Logan said. "You are correct." Brianna said and laughed. "You know I have the day off today." Logan said as he put his arm around Brianna's waist. "Yeah, why?" Brianna asked. "I was kinda thinking that we could just have you and me day. We haven't really had one since Crystal's birthday." Logan said. "I know, but who will take care of the kids while we have our day off?" Brianna asked. "We can get Carlos and Megan to watch them, since we always watch Violet." Logan said. "True." Brianna said and leaned her head on Logan's shoulder. Logan smiled and kissed Brianna's head. "One thing." Brianna said. 'What?" Logan asked. "No more kids. Joel and Crystal are enough to handle since they are pretty much exactly like you." Brianna laughed. "No problem with that one. I can't handle anymore then these two." Logan laughed.

~*~Later That Day~*~

     Logan and Brianna went out to have a dinner at a fancy restuarant while Megan and Carlos were watching the kids. Violet and Crystal were watching old BTR videos on Megan's laptop. Joel was on Brianna's laptop, writing. Joel kinda got a thing for writing from Brianna. For a little 4 year old, he loved to write. He wasn't like any of the other boys. The other boys would just hurt others and not care about how they felt. Joel was there to pick up and help the victims. "Hey JJ. What you doing?" Carlos asked as he sat beside Joel. "Just writing something." Joel said, not taking his eyes of the computer screen. Carlos leaned over the laptop to see what he was writing about, but Joel was quick. He saved what he had written and went to the home page. "Hey! I wanted to read that!" Carlos said, laughing a little. "Well you ain't gonna!" Joel said in a country accent. Anyone could tell, he got that from Logan. "Mini Logan!" Carlos said and walked away laughing. Joel stuck out his tongue and opened back up his writing page, then kept writing.


     The Henderson's bus was parked at the hotel they were staying at. Lloyd and some of the high school football players quietly moved their way to the bus. Lloyd went under the bus with Mike, one of the football players', and cut a few cords. The rest kept a look out to see if anyone was coming. "Someone's coming! Hide!" Eric, another football player, said and they all hid. The taxi pulled up to the enterance of the hotel and Brianna and Logan came out. "I need to get something from the bus real quick." Brianna said. "Alright, I'll meet you in the room with the kids." Logan said and kissed Brianna. Brianna made her way towards the bus. Little did she know, Lloyd and the high school players, were on the bus. "Hello Miss Brianna." Lloyd said. "Oh! Lloyd, Mike, Eric, Jackson, Cameron, what are you guys doing here?" Brianna said, a little frightened. "Get her!" Lloyd shouted and the high schoolers grab Brianna and knocked her out. Lloyd took out her phone and texted Logan.

~*~Text Convo~*~

LL: Hey Logan, this is your exgirlfriend's brother, Lloyd! I hope you love will like radar because I have Brianna.


LL: You wouldn't do that. Espicially when your wife's life is on the line.


LL: Ohhh Logan. You know Avery would not be happy with you doing that.


LL: You better find her or something might happen to her...

L: I will FREAKING FIND YOU!!!!!!!!

~*~End of Text Convo~*~

     Logan sat on the bed and put his head in his hands. "Daddy, what's wrong?" Crystal asked. "I don't know how to put this so you guys can understand." Logan said in his hands. "Daddy, just say it and get it out." Joel said. "Okay. Mommy has been kidnapped, by someone we know." Logan said and hugged Crystal and Joel. "She's gonna be okay? Right?" Crystal asked. "I don't know princess. I don't know." Logan said. There was a long pause. "I miss mommy." Joel said with tears threating to come out of his eyes. "I miss her too buddy. I miss her too." Logan said, hugging his son. "Will she come back?" Crystal asked. "I-I don't know princess. I just don't know, but one way or another, we will get her back." Logan said. "You promise?" Crystal asked. "I promise." Logan said and kissed her head. "Now off to bed, it's WAY past your bedtime." Logan said. "But we're scared..." Joel said. Logan thought for a moment. "Here is another bed, you guys can sleep  here." Logan said pointing to another bed. "Thank you daddy!" The kids gave their father a hug and crawled into bed. Logan smiled at them. He gave them a kiss on the head and went to his bed. Logan looked at one side of the bed, he imagined Brianna there, sleeping. He missed her and he was going to get her back. Logan walked into another room and got out his phone. He called the police and told them everything. Logan was determined to find Brianna. 

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