Finally Together Again?

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     Logan found an old phone, that didn't have the line cut, and called the police. "Hello?" An officer answered the phone. "This is Logan Henderson." Logan said. "Where are you and we'll be over there?" The officer asked. "My wife and I are at the old Parkway Motel." Logan said. "We will be there." The officer said and hung up. Logan went back into the bedroom where Brianna laid there sleeping. "Did you call them?" Brianna asked in a weak voice. "They are on their way." Logan said. Brianna smiled as Logan sat beside her on the bed. There was shouting from outside the door. "WHO CALLED THE POLICE?!" A voice yelled. There was a silence. "Well whoever did it is going to pay." The voice said in a calmer tone. Logan and Brianna looked at each other with scared looks on their faces. Lloyd came in the door. "We're moving so come on." Lloyd ordered and left. "Here Bri." Logan said and held out his hand. Brianna grabbed it and Logan pulled her up. He put his arm around his waist for support then they walked to parking lot. "Come on!" Avery ordered. Logan helped Brianna in the car then he got in. "We'll be okay." Logan whispered in Brianna's ear which made her smile a little.


     The police looked everywhere. No where to be seen. No trace at all. "They must have moved locations." One officer said to Megan. "Great. How am I going to tell their kids this?" Megan said in a frustrated tone. The officer shrugged and went back to the others. Megan went to the car and saw Crystal getting excited. Joel was asleep because it was early in the morning. "Where are they Aunt Meg?!" Crystal asked. She had a smile on her face that anyone could fall for. "Crystal, listen sweetie. The people who kidnapped mommy and daddy, they moved to another place." Megan said. Crystal's smile fell and then she started to tear up. "Don't worry, we'll find them." Megan said and hugged Crystal. "I want my daddy so much." Crystal cried onto Megan's shoulder. "I know sweetie. I know." Megan said as she started crying too. "Why are you crying Aunt Meggie?" Crystal asked between tears. "It's just that your mom has helped me in so many ways... that... I can't even explain." Megan said in between tears. "You need a hug." Crystal said and hugged Megan. This reminded Megan of how Brianna handled some things. "Crystal, you are so much like your mom." Megan said. "Am I really?" Crystal asked. Megan nodded. Crystal smiled and got in the car.

     Megan drove back to the hotel they were staying at. Megan opened the door to find James, Kendall, and Carlos with mouths wide open. "What's going on?" Megan asked. "Bri and Logan! Their at an abandoned school! In California!" Kendall shouted. "Really?!" Megan asked in a shocked tone. "Yes! Get over here!" James said and Megan sat beside Carlos. "Security cameras at an abandoned school, called Meadows High School, showed Mr. and Mrs. Henderson being dragged in by henchmen and the two kidnappers, Avery and Lloyd Mitchell, following along behind them. Some say Mrs. Henderson may not make it, but she is still alive and that is all that counts." The news reporter said and they showed what the security camera saw. Logan was carrying Brianna. He looked like he was limping. Then a whip cracked on Logan's back, causing him to drop Brianna on the concrete. "GET MOVING!!!" One of the henchmen said and kept cracking the whip. Logan slowly got up and picked up Brianna them moved into the school. Then the TV went to saying other news. "We have got to find them fast." Megan said. Carlos's phone went off. The ID was Officer Grope. "Did you see the news?" Officer Grope asked. "We just saw it." Carlos said. "My men and I plus the men down their are going over there to arrest Avery and Lloyd tonight. I need you and your family and friends to pack their things right now." Officer Grope said. "Alright Officer Grope. We are going to do that right now." Carlos said and hung up. "Start packing because we are getting Logan and Brianna back!!" Carlos said and ran to pack his things. Kendall and Megan went to pack their things while James went to Violet, Crystal, and Joel's room. "Start packing because we are finally getting your mom and dad back!" James said and left to pack his things. Crystal, Violet, and Joel started packing their things. "Finally, I can be with my mommy and daddy again!" Crystal cheered. "I missed mommy's hugs and kisses..." Joel said shyly. "Little J, you don't have to be afraid of saying that, mostly everyone loves their mom no matter what!" Violet said. "Yay!" Joel said and continued packing. "You little ones ready?" Kendall asked. "We aren't little!" Violet shouted. "Okay, medium sized ones ready?" Kendall asked. "Yeah!" Crystal said as she grabbed her suitcase. "Alright let's get the mom and dad!" Kendall said and everyone left the hotel. 


     Logan and Brianna were laying on the ground. Beaten until they couldn't hardly keep their eyes open. Sirens began to be heard from outside. "Come out with your  hands up!" Someone said. Logan heard doors open. Then their were two pairs of feet walking towards Logan and Brianna. "Daddy! Mommy!" It sounded like Crystal. The gym doors opened and came running Crystal and Joel. "MOMMY! DADDY!" They both screamed in horror at the sight of their parents. "Daddy? Please be alive." Crystal asked through her stream of tears. "I'm here princess. Don't worry, I told you I'm not going anywhere." Logan said just above a whisper. "Mommy? Mommy? Mommy!" Joel said as he shook his mom, trying to get her awake. "Joel, Crystal, I hate to tell you all this, but mommy may not make it... She was beaten the most, but I know that she will look down at you guys and say every morning and every night that she loves you." Logan said and then some paramedics came. They put Logan and Brianna on the stretchers and got them out of the building with Crystal and Joel running behind them.

~*~In the Hospital~*~

     Crystal and Joel climbed on Logan's bed after he was put in a room. They laid on each side of him and went to sleep. Logan slowly opened his eyes and smiled. He kissed Crystal's head and she smiled in her sleep. She moved closer to him. Logan then kissed Joel's head and he did the same. "Daddy?" Crystal asked in a whisper. "Yes princess?" Logan asked. "Is mommy going to make it?" Crystal asked as she looked up at her father. Logan sighed. "I honestly don't know princess. I do hope she does though." Logan said. "Me too." Crystal said and closed her eyes again. Logan closed his eyes and fell asleep. Logan, Crystal, and Joel couldn't keep their mind off of Brianna...

Never Give Up (Third Book to IAJ)Där berättelser lever. Upptäck nu