Chapter 25

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When I walked into the camp it felt as if I had been hit in the stomach. There was magic being wrapped around me. I heard someone yell before everything went black.

"Run!" A familiar voice called out and I took off running. I looked in front of me to see Henry running and holding  hand.

"Come on silver there coming." Henry said and I picked up my pace.

But all I could  really do was watch him.

This can't be real.

Can it.

I looked around  looked back just in time to see a shadow rip the life out of the guy who had kidnapped us.


This can't be real.

I remembered the feeling  I had when I entered the  I camp. 

This is a spell.

Maybe a time loop or something. I thought  to myself. Henry tripped at the exact place he did last time.

Definitely a time loop. 

But the thing is.

How long will it take to get back to the present that I am supposed to be in?

Magic can't change time and events that took place because for one this is neverland. And two. There is only one way to do that at it was turned to ashes a long time ago. The other option is that this is a different dimension.

I looked around me again to see I was sitting next to Henry and looking at Peter as he talked  us.

"I escaped from pan."Peter said as I caught onto the last part of his sentence.

"No one escapes from Peter." I blurted out and both boys heads snapped in my direction.

"Are you ok?" Henry ask and I looked around.

"Yeah...fine." I mumbled but Henry didn't seem convinced.

"Then explain to me how someone can never escape you put it." Henry said and Peter seemed to really want to know my response.

"He's Peter pan." I said looking at Henry confused. "He knows all who come to the island and you have  get his permission to leave." I stated.

"Did  memorize his entire story from the book?" Sure we can go with that.

" was interesting. Jeez. Being criticized for reading." I huffed. "You're the one who had the book in the first place. I am interested in one story, not all of them like someone." I said playfully.

"We need to start going to echo cave." Peter cut in.

"No." I said and I had both boys attention again. "Let's head back to shore. Then we don't have to worry about the lost boys. They think we are travel in the woods. Plus, if someone shows up we have a better chance of seeing them." 

"Yeah. Our parents are coming for us. And when they do you can come." Henry said liking  My idea more.

Score 1 silver.

Score 0 Peter.

"Everyone thinks their parents will come for them.  What makes you think yours will come for you." Peter said.

"Hush." I said making  a close your mouth signal with my hand in front of his face. "You're being  downer. Our parents will come because, we are a family. Plus, child of the evil queen," I pointed to me. "And child of the chosen one plus the dark ones son." I pointed to Henry. "We've been through worse." I reassured.

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