Chapter 33

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*A/N- Happy early Thanksgiving my lovlies! Here's another chapter for you all to enjoy :)*

"Seriously! You haven't even been a vampire for a whole day and you decide to run off with the mutt and not tell me?" A very angry Emmett ranted as he flashed out of the Cullen's house towards Jackie.

Jackie stiffened in response as she hopped of the back of Jacob's bike.

"I'm sorry, Master" Jackie replied sarcastically as she gave a mock cursty, "I wasn't aware I was your prisoner."

Edward snickered as he and Bella joined them outside. "You're not a prisoner," Edward said. "But you're still a newborn," he reminded her. "What if something had happened and you saw a human-"

"She did see a human," Jacob interrupted. "And she was fine," he snarked.

"What?" Emmett questioned. "Where did you two go?" he asked.

"Look," Jacob explained, "I solved a problem. You were leaving, so we took a little ride over to Charlie's and-"

"You didn't!" Bella exclaimed as she cut Jacob off. "Jackie how could you?" Bella cried as she turned her attentions on her. "You know the Volturi will kill anyone who knows about us. Do you realize the danger you've put him in?" she wailed.

"Relax," Jackie replied smugly. "Why do you think I went with him?"

"On the ride over Jackie told me about the Volturi, so I didn't tell him about any of you- just me," Jacob explained. "I only said you were different."

"Oh, and that you have a niece, who you adopted," Jackie added.

"What?" Bella screeched. "Seriously, you guys, he's not just gonna let that go."

"Did you consider the physical pain you'll put Bella through?" Edward questioned. "It'll be like sticking a white hot branding iron down her throat, and that's assuming she can control her thirst."

Jackie rolled her eyes. "Don't be so dramatic, Edward. Besides, Charlie's been in hell, and I know you'll be much happier with him in your life."

Edward turned towards Jacob and narrowed his eyes. "Don't try and pretend you're doing this for anyone but yourself," he scorned.

"I'm sorry you feel that way," Jacob replied. "Because he'll be here in ten minutes."

Esme gathered the girls and took them to go get ice cream in case things got ugly when Charlie came. Emmett, of course being the strongest in the house, was told not to go far in case he was needed to restrain Bella. While Alice, Carlisle and Edward coached Bella on how to be more human, Emmett insisted on showing Jackie something.

Picking her up bridal style, he carried her around to the back of the house. "I thought the girls would like something to play on," Emmett explained as he showed her what he had created.

Jackie's breath hitched in her throat as Emmett sat her down. "You made this she asked?" Her voice filled with wonder and amazement.

Emmett humbly nodded his head.

"But how?" she asked as she looked at the giant logs that were stripped of their bark and plunged into the ground. What resulted was an intricate and beautifully designed playhouse. It looked like a castle, complete with lookouts on the turrets, slides and swings. It was incredible.

Emmett shrugged before replying. "I had a lot of pent up energy while you were transitioning," he explained.

"You mean you did this with your bare hands?" Jackie asked.

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