Can we talk

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All night i watched my daughter play with my mom and dad they adored her.
Debra was very different tonite i guess that loving i give her the other day calm her ass down, but my heart was torn,it was fighting a war between my morals of staying with my wife or following my heart to be with halo and Olivia
" you OK baby" Debra asked me
" I'm good just remembering when we did that" i lied smiling in her face. She smiled and kissed me tender.

He wasn't interested in her loose pussy ass no mo thank god, but they still had a bond and that was that lil girl but thank god after this they asses going back to LA. I sat and enjoy the balance of the evening but i had to go i have a flight coming up.
It was already 9 and i had to leave.
" baby its that time i gotta roll" i told him
" oh yeah k limme leave with you" he said
" no babe ya best friend need you imma be OK" i told him honestly
I wasn't worried about loose pussy cause as a woman you know when a woman want ya man and halo didn't want kadeem so I'm good.

I saw Debra leave then Kareem leave with her couple minutes after he returned.
" babe imma be back" drew told me going off to the bathroom, i nodded an continued playing with a not so sleepy Olivia
" hey can we talk" kadeem said
" yeah why not" i told him handing Olivia over to Jess mom.
We walked out onto balcony area.
" sooo wassup " i asked
" i made a mistake i love you and need you and Olivia in my life"

What kadeem didn't know is that Debra forgot her purse and had return to the reception after she got her purse she turned to ask around for her husband, she ended up asking drew and it hit them that both of their spouses were missing, someone pointed them to the balcony and they went.
" i made a mistake i love you and need you and Olivia in my life" kadeem told halo holding unto her hand.
Drew watched as the tears rolled down halo's face.
" too late kadeem i moved on" halo told kadeem, Debra was in tears cause all this time she thought it was halo but in all fact it was her man.
" tell me you don't love me, i cant stop thinking about you, when I'm with her, in her i think of you i wish it was you i was fucking not her i love you tell me you don't love me" kadeem screamed at halo, drew couldn't help but feel sorry for Debra.
" i cant say i don't love cause it would be a lie but I'm not in love with you, and i don't even wanna be with you" she told him
" wow i know i hurt you and I'm sorry i..."
" shit kadeem you know what you put me through, i almost died because of you, i was your rock your friend your roomie and you fucked us up over Debra now wanna fuck up my life in sorry cause there is a man in there who been my rock, my soulmate , who love me when i was at my lowest and I'm not gonna be a dumb ass and loose someone so great sorry but i love drew yo and I'm gonna marry him bye" halo told him seriously. Before she could get away kadeem kissed her by now a crowd was gathering, halo managed to push kadeem away.
Halo slapped him right across his cheek, when she turned around there stood everybody, but only one pair of eyes she saw and they were sad eyes of her fiance.
" halo get Olivia lets go" drew said and she did as he said and they left.
Kadeem choose that time to walk away out of the building leaving his emotional wife by herself.

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