Close As Strangers.

( This is the Second installment, to the Dangerous Series... So, my 5 Seconds of Summer Story. Enjoy... )

" Ugh... " I groaned as I rolled over in bed, letting my hand slam on my alarm clock. I stared up at my white ceiling, the emptiness still lingering in my chest. It's been over a year since that fateful day, the day he walked out of my life. ( Let me explain the past year ).

* When Michael got on that plane with his two friends, I knew things were gonna change, but I never expected them to change so much. He told me we would stay in touch, I didn't expect a phone call every night or anything, but I thought he'd call me every so often. That unfortunately never happened, he hasn't even called me once and I wasn't sure why. I was sad, confused, angry, dissapointed. It's been a year, but I still can't get over it.... I was still working as an art teacher, I loved it so much more than being a detective. All the kids I got to see everyday, they all distracted me from these fucked up feelings I was having. Besides all that, I met a very quirky / adorable guy at the same primary school I worked at. His name is Oliver Williamson, he was the PE teacher there. He was so sweet, funny, sensitive and just an all around cool guy, plus he wasn't bad on the eyes. With his light brown hair, that was mostly straight, but every time it got wet it curled up. He also had the deepest shade of brown eyes.... But, I wasn't sure I was ready to date anyone. No, I think Michael ruined that... I was still living in the same flat, with Delilah, we were still best friends, she was still dating my older brother Logan. Logan and Ash were now sharing a flat and they were still best friends... Ashton was still working as a detective, he and I were still as close as ever, that hadn't changed. He still talks to Luke, Calum and Michael. I mean sure, I get calls from Luke and Calum too, but I always hung up on them. The last thing I wanted to hear, was how perfect their live were in LA. I didn't want to know about the perfect, model girlfriend Michael probably had now. He's moved on, but I can't... And I hated it. Every time I talked about the whole situation, it just pissed me off, so I didn't talk about it much... I'd drown my thoughts in Alcohol ( Only on the weekends though, I couldn't be a drunk art teacher now ). Thank God summer vacation was coming up, 91 days to relax. Delilah and I had been talking about going on a trip, possibly to Rome, or Paris. We hadn't decided yet. That's all that had changed...*.

I continued to stare up blankly at the ceiling, that is, until my bedroom door swung open. " Mel! It's time for you to wake up, it's 5:50 am....There's only 2 more days until we go on our Holiday! " Delilah exclaimed as she yanked open my curtains, making me groan deeply and then chucking my pillow at her. " D, can you please, Please go away?! " I mumbled, " How are you always so awake at this time ". She chuckled throwing my pillow back at me " I'm just happy I guess, Come on, we've both gotta be at work in 2 hours ", I groaned again as I sat up " Hey. I'm some what happy, just not this early in the morning! ". She rolled her eyes and scoffed " Oh please Mel, you haven't been happy since Mic - ", I shot her a glare " Don't bring him up!.... I'm over it ". She shook her head " Don't lie to me Mel, I know that's what your problem is... You might be able to fool everyone else with that fake smile of yours, but you can't fool Me ", I ran my hand threw my hair and sighed deeply " Okay, I just don't want to talk about him..... I need to get ready now.... So... ". She nodded with a small smile on her face " Okay, I'll let you get ready... You gotta look cute for Mr. Hottie PE teacher, don't you? ", I rolled my eyes " Can you not call Oli that, please ". She chuckled as she shrugged slightly and walked out of my room, I quickly jumped in and out of the shower. Putting on little makeup and changing into a loose fitting blouse, with a pair of pants ( Now that I was just an art teacher, I didn't have a specific uniform ). When I was finished, I walked into the kitchen ad grabbed a cup of coffee. " Aren't you gonna eat any breakfast? " Delilah asked as she sat at the kitchen table, I shook my head briefly " Nah, I've got a big lunch packed and I'm not so hungry right now ". She nodded with a smile " As long as you eat something, the last thing I want to happen is for you to stop eating again... I hated seeing you like that ", I sighed deeply " Don't worry D, it won't happen again. I was stupid for doing that over a guy ". She stood up and quickly gave me a tight hug, " I'll see you later D " I stated as I walked out of the flat. I drove the short distance toward the school and pulled up right next to Oli's truck. " Good Morning, Ms. Melody! " He chuckled as I stepped out of my car, I scoffed as I rolled my eyes " Hello Mr. Oliver! ". We looked at each other for a few seconds before busting out into laughter, we knew not to call each other by our Full first names, He hated Oliver and Liked to just be called Oli, just like how I hated Melody and liked to be called Mel. " Are you still coming by my place tomorrow? " I asked as I ran a hand through my hair, he nodded with another smile " You know I'll be there ". We chatted about a few more minutes, about random things, until we had to go our separate ways. I walked into the art room and set everything up for the day, today was a tracing and sketching day.

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