Close as Strangers.

( This is the Second installment, to the Dangerous Series... So, my 5 Seconds of Summer Story. Enjoy... )

[ Saturday ]

Was it wrong to say that I wanted to see Michael again, probably, but part of me didn't care. It was 11:40 am and I had been awake all night long, not only looking over the papers Detective Marks gave me and all the emails he's sent me, but also thinking about Michael. I know stupid right, but being here and seeing him, I just can't stop thinking about him. Yeah right, I never stopped thinking about him. The note he had given me, was left untouched on the bedside table. And no, I didn't forget about it. I gave it many side ways glances, but I was to scared to open it. Who knows would it said. Probably nothing bad, but I was still to nervous to read it. I was interrupted be a knock on my bedroom door, " Yeah, come in.... " I yawned grabbing the cup of coffee that was on the bedside table next to the note. The door Opened, reveling Logan and Ashton. " Good morning Mel, did you sleep at all last night? " Logan questioned with a sigh, I shook my head no with a small smile. " Don't start that again, don't get obsessed with this case, like you did with the last one " Logan stated with a stern tone of voice, " She won't, the only reason she was obsessed was because of Michael " Ashton chuckled ( He wasn't wrong through ). I rolled my eyes at the two of them, Logan sat down in front of me,on my bed. " So, Ashton told me about yesterday, Are you and Michael cool now? " he questioned with a small smirk, I sighed and nodded " Yeah, it'll still be a little weird between us, but I can handle it ". His smile grew even larger " That's a good step... I heard you were still into him... ", my eyes went wide " Ashton! I never said that I was still into him! ". Both Ashton and Logan chuckled, " I asked you if you wanted to do something with Micahel, you responded with ' I mean Sure '. To me, that sounds like you're still into him , so are you? " Ashton smirked while raising his eyebrows. " Why would I tell you now! You are both the biggest blabber mouths I've ever met. Can't keep a secret if your lives depended on it! " I groaned while shaking my head, " Come on Mel,we promise to keep your secret... Right Ash! " Logan stated with a warm smile. " Right... " Ash agreed, I groaned deeply as I rolled my eyes " Uhh, Fine!... Okay, maybe I'm still into him a little bit, but nothing's gonna happen. He seems to be very happy with his horrible girlfriend and I'm not going to come between them... So, you'd better not tell anyone and if you do, you'll wake up with no hair... I'm not joking, I'll shave your heads while you sleep ". " I knew it, you owe me 10 dollars " Ash exclaimed with a large smile, " Okay okay " Logan stated handing Ash the money. I stared at them with my eyebrows furrowed, " Don't worry, we won't say anything... Just be careful, don't let any feelings you have for him get in the way of your Holiday and the case " Logan stated sternly ( He was just being a good big brother ). I ran my fingers through my hair and sighed " I won't, I'm not acting on my feelings. He's got a girlfriend and I accept that ", they both nodded with smiles on their faces. After things were quiet for a few minutes, both of the guys walked, awkwardly out of the room. I chuckled slightly and looked back over towards the note Michael gave me, I just had to know what it said, I couldn't wait any longer. I quickly grabbed it and opened it slowly, I took in a deep breath as I read what was written on the paper. _ I know you're still not happy with me Mel, but I'd like to spend some time alone with you. Talking things out, I've got a lot to explain. Here's my number xxx - xxx - xxxx ( Just pretend it's a number ). Text me or call me if you want to meet up, don't forget Mel. You are my getaway, you are my favorite place... It's just that right now, we're disconnected _. I took a deep breath in and then quickly let it out, was this real or was it some type of trick.

I got up and got dressed in a loose fitting T- shirt and some skinny jeans that were a darker blue, plus some black converse. Then I walked out of my room and stood in front of Oli's room door. I knocked quietly at first, but since his didn't answer, I just walked in ( Like the rude person I was ). He was still asleep , but he wasn't alone. There was a girl in bed with him, she was only in a bra and there were clothes laying all over the room. I quietly walked out of his room, trying not to wake either of them. Why did I feel like I wanted to cry? Why did I have a knot it my stomach? It's not like Oli and I were in a relationship or anything, but why did I feel like I wanted to throw up? I walked downstairs with my bad slung over my shoulder, smiling at Logan and Delilah, who were sat on the sofa watching some movie on Netflix. " Hey Mel, are you alright? " Delilah asked with her full focus on me now. I nodded with a small smile " Just hungry... ", " Do you want me to make you something? " she questioned seriously. I shook my head no " You shouldn't have to cook for me on our Holiday, I'll just go grab something at Starbucks " , She sighed deeply " You know I don't mind cooking for you ". I nodded as I placed a hand on her shoulder " I know, you're a good friend, but right now I just need to leave ", that's when Logan looked over at me confused, yet with a worried look on his face. " Why? " he asked curiously, I shrugged slightly " I honestly don't know, I just have to go... I'll tell you both later, if I figure out what's wrong with me ". They both nodded, but I know they were still confused ( I didn't blame them though ). Delilah stood up and gave me a tight hug, best friends always know when somethings wrong. I smiled once more at them, before walking out the door. I didn't feel like calling for a taxi and then having to wait for it, so I was just going to walk every where. I had my earbuds in my ears and my music was blasting, I needed to get my emotions under control, because all these feelings I was having, was just not right. I had all these stupid feelings for Michael and now feelings for Oli were being brought out. I mean yeah, I knew I liked Oli, he was sweet, charming and very attractive, who wouldn't like him. I just never made a move because we work together, if things didn't work out, it would be awkward since I'd have to see him everyday. I shook my head aggressively and sighed, I needed to just forget all this. I had to push my feelings aside, I couldn't let this change anything.

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