Close As Strangers.

( This is the Second installment, to the Dangerous Series... So, my 5 Seconds of Summer Story. Enjoy... )

Most of the night I was awake, Michael didn't end up leaving right away. He just continued to quietly knock on the door, not long after thought, he started to quietly talk, but I didn't really catch anything he had to say. I got a few hours of sleep, but as I said before, I was awake most of the night. I ended up laying around in bed all morning, ignoring the calls and texts I was receiving. The hotel door opened around 11:40 pm, it was only Delilah though. " Mel, what's wrong? Are you still upset over seeing Michael at the party last night? " she questioned as she joined me in bed, I let out an aggravated sigh " No... I'm upset because the douche showed up at my door at 5 this morning ". Her eyes went wide " What did you do? ", " Slammed the door in his face, I'm not ready to see him yet ". She sighed while rubbing her eyes, " What I'm wondering is.... How did he know what hotel we were staying in.... And how did he know what room I was in.... Did you tell him? Or did one of the boys tell him " I groaned deeply. " Mel, I wouldn't do that to you... We're best friends, you're mad at him, so I'm mad at him... It was most likely one of the guys " she stated with a sigh, I nodded "I'm gonna punch them... ". she chuckled quietly " So, did you have a nice time yesterday... Apart from seeing ' Him ' ". I smiled slightly and sighed " Yes... I'm excited to spend time with Luke and Calum... ", " Yeah, same.... But, what about.... Michael?... " she asked curiously. " Like I've said a thousand times before... I will see and talk to him while we're here.... But, I need time to prepare myself, okay. I'm tired of being asked that question and I'm sick of feeling pressured to see him " I spat quietly as I threw off the duvet and stood up, " I'm sorry Mel, we just thought you'd snap out of this funk when you saw him again " she sighed not looking at me. I glared at her slightly " D, it's not a funk. This is Me now, my heart hurts and it feels empty... That's not going to change by seeing him ", she ran a hand through her hair " So, you're telling me, that if he wanted to date you again, you'd say no? ". I sighed while shaking my head " No, I don't think I'd date him again... For multiple reasons. I don't even think we were dating the first time.. And he's got a girlfriend now, so trying to date him, would be a little hard ", she looked at me confused and opened her mouth to say something else, but I cut her off. " I'm sorry D, but I'm done talking about this... I'm going to take a shower... You can stay if you want, but I'm not talking about this anymore " I stated while walking into the bathroom and locking the door behind me.

30 minutes later, I stepped out the shower and quickly dried myself off. I changed into a dark blue tank top with some denim shorts ( with my converse ). I grabbed my bag and my phone that had been on the charger, then I walked out of my hotel room and down the corridor. I ended up walking out of my hotel and over to the cute little restaurant for lunch, I just wanted to be alone right now. I ordered a large cup of coffee and a chicken sandwich, then I sat down at one of the tables. I don't know why, but I started having that feeling of being watched again. I just decided to ignore it, as I continued to eat my food. I looked through a magazine, when my phone started to ring. It was Oli. " Hello? " I asked with a sigh, " Hey Melly! How's LA? " he questioned curiously. " Not Much, same ol', same ol', shit with Clifford " I groaned. " Have you run into him yet? " Oli asked, " Yes.... He was at a party I went to last night and then he showed up at my hotel room, hours later " I mumbled loud enough for him to hear. " What did you do? Did you freak out on his ass?... You should've " Oli chuckled, " No Oli, I didn't do anything other than, run away from him and slamming the door in his face " I groaned loudly. He chuckled quietly " Did you actually run away from him? ", " Well, basically... I sorta just looked at him for a few seconds and then quickly walked away and got a taxi back to the hotel. So, you could say I ran away from him " I smirked. He laughed rather loudly " Well, I wish I could've seen that... Other than that, how's LA been... Like the whether and stuff? ", " We've only been her for 2 days, the whether's nice, but not much else has happened... How's Hawaii? " I asked curiously. " Oh God, It's not going very good... " he muttered slightly, I sighed " Don't lie ". He let out one long deep groan " It's absolute shit!... We've literally done nothing except go out to eat, I've been stuck in this hotel room for 2 days, babysitting my brother... I can't escape.. ", I chuckled " You only have 6 more days right? ". " Only... Only Mel, I wish it was over tomorrow " he exclaimed quietly, I rolled my eyes while sighing " You'll make it Oli, stop complaining ". " Oh thanks for the support " he groaned, I chuckled to myself " You're very welcome ". He let out a deep sigh " Oh, I miss you Mel... My life's boring without you ", I rolled my eyes while smiling " I know, how did you you have a life before meeting me? ". " No Idea " he snickered, " Well, I got to go... Apparently, we're actually going out today... I'll call you later ". I sighed deeply, " Okay, Oli - kins... Bye! " I exclaimed as I hung up.

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