( This is the Second installment, to the Dangerous Series... So, my 5 Seconds of Summer Story. Enjoy... )

( Back to Mel's P.O.V )

I slowly opened my eyes, while groaning deeply. Everything in my body ached, my head was spinning. I could barely move and I wasn't sure if it was because I was in so much pain, or if was because I was tied down. I remember everything that took place, Nate came by and basically drugged my beer, then three men came in, beat the shit outta me and now I'm here, wherever here was. As soon as my eyes started to focus, I looked around as much as I could. It was unpleasantly dark and it smelled of death, there was a rusty wooden door which separated myself from any freedom I once had. I laid I was on a dirt floor, that I'm sure other had been on before. My arms weren't tied down, they were just to sore to move. I did however have an iron cuff around my right ankle, which was chained to the wall, I guess they figured I'd try to make a move, but why bother. I looked p at the ceiling, I could hear voices from above me. So, I guessed I was in a basement, Of some sort. I heard someone clear their throat, which took my off guard, I didn't realize someone was in the room with me. A small light flicked on, reveling Nate sitting there. He had a guilty look on his face, I guess I looked pretty bad. " I was wondering when you'd wake up?... You've been out for the last two days " he stared looking down at his feet, I didn't reply, I just kept my mouth shut. " Mel, I'm sorry for this, but I had to do it... for her " he stated sadly, but I didn't feel sorry for him, not one fucking bit. " If you're going to kill me, fucking do it already... I don't wanna hear a sob story, I don't want your pity and I especially don't care who you had to do this for... " I growled starring harshly at him, he looked at me somewhat confused " I'm not going to kill you Mel, none of us are... We just had to kidnap you for a small amount of time, plus we had to ruff you up a bit ". " Why? " I asked, he sighed scratching his forehead " Because we needed money, like a lot of money... Because we want to leave and start a new life together, me and Mona ". I laughed slightly " You think she's going to leave with you, HA! You're so naive, she wants the money so she can run away alone and find her psychotic cousin, Maloni! ", he glared at me " Shut up! Don't make me tape your mouth shut! ". I only chuckled some more " Are you trying to scare me?... Because if you are, you're doing a lousy job at it... I've been shot, twice, by Mona's fucking cousin. So, I'm not afraid of your little threat ", he just continued to glare at me " Well, if you don't shut up, worse things might happen ". I rolled my eyes, shifting myself on the ground slightly, not much though because I was in pain. Nate stood up and walked towards me, holding a glass of water. " Here.... I'm sure you're thirsty " he sighed quietly, I shook my head ( I didn't want to drink anything he had to give me ). " Come on, I'm trying to help a little... I was told not to give you anything, so drink it or go thirsty " he stated sternly, I sighed deeply sitting up a little and accepting the glass of water, guzzling it down. " Oh, on Wednesday Mona's meeting up with Michael, where she'll be receiving 100,000 dollars, then you'll be set free.. If you're able to walk that is... " he explained, I'm not sure why he did though, I didn't really care. There was a loud knock on the door, Nate grabbed the glass from my hands, as someone yanked open the door. A man I'd never seen before entered the room, " Time's up, my turn to have a little fun... Anyway Mona wants to see you " the man stated with an ugly grin. Nate took in a deep breath and nodded, while sending one last look towards me. " Nothing sexual, her clothes stay on, you hear me? " Nate told the man, the creepy man groaned deeply but nodded. Nate sighed as he walked through the door, leaving me alone with the stranger.

[ Third Person P.O.V ]

Nate walked up the steps and into the kitchen, closing the basement door behind him. It was hard for him to ignore the fact that he'd become attached to Mel, not in a loving way, but in a platonic way. He respected her, she wasn't afraid of anything it seemed and he wished be could be that way. He was afraid of being left behind ( Because that's all that's ever happened to him ), he was in love with Mona and he never never wanted to disappoint her, but he never wanted to actually hurt anyone. He was tired of this life, pretending to be something he wasn't. He never wanted to be the assistant to a killer, he always wanted do good by people, but this wasn't good and he was ready to end it all. Mona was sat on the small sofa, watching the little TV, that had video camera's connected to it. " Babe, I thought I told you not to give that little bitch anything " Mona stated with a small glare on her face, " I know, I'm sorry... I just feel bad for her " Nate sighed. Mona nodded slightly while opening her arms for him, he graciously accepted and molded his body into hers. " Don't worry baby, this will be all over soon. We'll have our money and we'll be able to escape LA... We won't ever have to worry about being caught " Mona stated with a sigh as she rubbed Nate's back, Nate only nodded. He wasn't sure if he could believe her, Mel's words rang through his head ' You're so naive, she only wants the money so she can run away alone '. Nate let out a deep sigh as he listened to Mel's shouts and screams that were coming from the basement, he knew she was getting beat, but there wasn't anything he could do about it. He just continued to sit there and think of a plan. He and Mona weren't going anywhere, Nate was planning to turn them all in. He was just as guilty as Mona was, he had to do it... Before anyone else could get hurt.

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