( This is the Second installment, to the Dangerous Series... So, my 5 Seconds of Summer Story. Enjoy... )

I sat in the bathroom, with tears running down my face. I was trying to stop the bleeding from my hands and legs, but it wasn't working to well. My back was hurting so bad from the impact of it hitting the wall, with such force. All I wanted to do was was crawl into bed and sleep for days, but with this Case I was working on, I knew I couldn't do that. I wrapped gauze around my hands and on the cuts that were on my legs, it all happened so fast, I was still a bit shocked by the whole thing. After cleaning everything up, I slid under the covers of my bed and let out a deep sigh. I had gotten a few calls and texts from Logan and Delilah, a few from Calum and Luke, nothing from Michael though, but right now I didn't care. I closed me eyes, just hoping to be consumed be sleep. Of course, it wouldn't come that easy. An hour later, I heard the front door open, along with a lot of commotion and voices. " Mel, are you here? " Logan yelled, probably seeing the mess downstairs, I didn't answer, because I felt like I couldn't. Minutes later I heard loud footsteps climbing the stairs, someone started jiggling the door knob. Still I didn't respond, I just let out a deep sigh. " Mel! Are you in there? " Logan shouted, " She has to be, how would the door just be locked? " I heard Luke sigh. " Are you okay in there Mel!? " Ashton asked sternly, " Just leave me alone! " I groaned deeply. Because I was just in too much pain. " No, open the door! " Delilah shouted ( I knew she was concerned, they all were ), " Please... " I mumbled. " If you don't open the door in 5 seconds, I'll bust it down " Logan shouted, but I still didn't care, it wasn't even our house. As expected, a few seconds went by, the door was kicked in, causing the doorknob to break. The four of them rushed in, causing me to pull the duvet cover over my head, since they ended up turning the light on. And plus I was still upset, hurt and had tears still falling from my eyes. I'm not even sure what the time was, but it must've still been early. " Mel, are you okay? What happened downstairs? " Ashton questioned, I felt the four of them sit around on the bed. " Mel, what's going on? " Delilah asked rubbing my back slightly, " Please, don't... " I whispered but I knew they all heard me. Someone pulled the duvet off of me, causing the four of them the gasp at the mix shift bandages, that were on my hands and legs. " What the hell happened? Who did this to you, Mel! " Logan shouted as he demanded an answer, I sighed deeply " It doesn't matter ". " Mel, it does matter. You've got all these cuts that you didn't have when we left... There's this giant mess downstairs... Now, what happened? " Delilah asked with a small sigh as she tried to rub my back again, but I ended up flinching. Which only caused them all to freak out even more, that's how I took it anyway.

Delilah, who was sitting behind me, lifted the back of my shirt up and gasped at the purple bruise marks that were already forming, she looked over at Logan, Ash and Luke with a concerning look on her face. " What? " Ash asked as Luke stood up to look at my back as well, I didn't care anymore, I just wanted to be left alone, so I could sleep. I could hear Luke gasp, just like Delilah did. " She's got a lot of bruises on her back, they've started forming on her shoulders as well " Luke stated with a sigh, the look on Logan and Ashton's faces went from concerned, to completely pissed off. " Mel!! Who the fuck did this, tell me! " Logan exclaimed with a glare, I let out a deep sigh as I covered my face with my hands, but still didn't answer. " Stop yelling at her Logan, just give her some room to breath " Delilah stated with an aggravated sigh, " No, I wanna know who bruised my sister! " Logan groaned still wearing a glare. I sighed deeply " Shut up! Who's not here?.... That's the person who did this to me ", they all looked at me confused. " Oh, stop with the riddles Mel! " Ashton groaned while scratching his head, " Oli!... Fucking Oli did it, he was drunk though " I mumbled while shoving my head into the pillow. " I'll kill him, I'll fucking kill him!! " Logan yelled standing up from the bed, " Logan, stop!... I just don't want him here anymore. Ever since I started hanging out with Michael, Luke and Calum, Oli's been a different person. And I just don't like it... So, if he's going to stay here, I'm going to a hotel " I stated as I slowly sat up and looked at the four of them. They all sighed while looking at me sympathetically. " Mel, you're not going anywhere... Other than to the hospital, look at the cut on your leg, it's bleeding too bad " Ash stated with a concerned tone of voice, I looked down and noticed what he was talking about. All the other cuts had stopped bleeding, since they weren't as bad, but this one cut I had on my thigh was soaking the gauze with blood, there was even blood all over the sheet I had been lying on. " Shit.... " I mumbled as I went to stand up, Logan was quickly by my side, to help me walk to the bathroom. " I can walk on my own, I don't need help " I stated as I limped to the bathroom, he still helped me and even though I was too stubborn to admit it, I was thankful for him, for all of them. " Just let us look at it " Ashton stated still looking at me concerned, I nodded while letting out a deep sigh " It hurts a lot more than it did before, why does it hurt so much more now? " .  " You were probably in shock before, now that you've calmed down, you're feeling it more " Luke sighed, I nodded while unwrapping the gauze from my leg. As soon as it was completely off, they each gasped quietly. Delilah had to leave the room quickly, but only because she was squeamish and didn't like the sight of blood. " You need stitches, there's no way that's going to just stop bleeding on it's own " Logan sighed rubbing his forehead, " I'll take her, since I have my car and I'm only one who can drive here " Luke stated with a small smile. Both Logan and Ashton nodded, " We'll stay here in case Oliver decides to show his face around here.... Because this was suppose to be a happy holiday, he wasn't even invited and he's not going to ruin it " Logan stated going into big brother mode. I didn't say anything, I agree'd with everything Logan said, I just didn't feel like talking. " So, wrap that up tight and we'll go to the hospital " Luke stated with a sigh, " I'm going too!! " Delilah shouted from the next room. Even though she didn't like the sight of blood or needles, she was still willing to go with me, for support ( That's what best friends do, they're there to support you, no matter what the situation is ). I quickly wrapped my leg up tightly with fresh gauze and then grabbed a towel, just in case. Delilah helped me down the stairs, out the front door and into the front seat of Luke's car. Then we made our way to the hospital, a million thoughts were running through my head. I thought Oli and I's relationship was different, never did I think he was like that type of guy and honestly, I don't know if I could ever forgive him for this. I'm not letting anyone walk all over me, even if that means losing a friend that I cherished so much...

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