( This is the Second installment, to the Dangerous Series... So, my 5 Seconds of Summer Story. Enjoy... )

{ Michael's P.O.V }

As soon as Mel walked out the door, the jealousy instantly kicked in. Calum glanced at me confused, but I just shrugged it off. " Who's she hanging out with? " Logan questioned us all, most of us shrugged, except one person. " Delilah, who's my sister with right now? " Logan stated in a demanding manner, she shrugged slightly " I don't know ". I could tell she was trying not to smile, so obviously she was lying. " Delilah! " Logan exclaimed, " Fine okay, I know who she's with... But, I'm not sure she wants me to tell you " Delilah stated with a sigh. " Well. She's not with Oli, is she? " Logan growled, " No! He's gone home... " Delilah exclaimed. " So, she's with someone none of us know?... What did she meet this person at the bar last night? " Logan asked with a sigh, I furrowed my eyebrows ( I didn't know she went out drinking last night ).. " Well, yes and no... " Delilah mumbled quietly, " What does that mean? " Ashton questioned. " Ash, you know who it is, but yes she was at the bar with him last night " Delilah stated nonchalantly, " Him!! Him, she's with a guy! " Logan yelled jokingly. Delilah rolled her eyes, obviously getting the joke. " Is she with Nate? " Ashton asked Delilah, who nodded. " Who's Nate? " I asked curiously, but I was just jealous. " It's Detective Marks... He's basically our boss for like, our summer job... " Ashton stated running his hand through his hair, Calum and Luke both glanced towards me, only to see how I was reacting. " Isn't that a bit unprofessional, them going on a date? " I groaned dramatically, " According to Mel, it's not a date, it's just dinner " Delilah stated. I rolled my eyes, " Oh please, a guy and girl going to dinner... Yeah, that sounds like a Fucking Date! " I exclaimed extra loudly. " Mike, chill dude... Technically they don't really work together and she's single.. " Calum stated while staring at me. I glared at him. even though he was right ( I just wished I was the one out to dinner with her right now ). They continued to talk about Mel and this Nate guy, but I drowned them all out. After 30 minutes, I slowly stood up as I let out a long sigh. " Hey guys, I'm gonna get going.... " I stated while rubbing the back of my neck, they all looked at me and nodded. After saying goodbye, I walked out of their place and climbed into my car. I couldn't help but let out a shout, it just annoyed me that Mel was seeing this other guy. I drove home and when I walked into the house, I slammed the door behind me. I walked into the lounge ad picked up one of the cushions that was on the couch, pulling it apart. I just had to destroy something and that I did. I stormed up to my room, slamming the door behind me too ( Why couldn't she just believe that I still loved her ). I collapsed on my bed, just as my phone started to ring. I pulled it out of my pocket and quickly answered it, " Yeah? " I questioned with a sigh. " Hey baby "Mona's annoying voice rang through the phone " I miss you! ". I sighed deeply " Yeah... Me too " ( I really didn't though ), " Why were you ignoring my phone calls all night? " she asked. I didn't answer through, " You better not have been with her, I've told you this before Michael. She's no good for you, she's just trying to use you for the summer " Mona stated in a harsh tone, " Oh and you're not doing that. Mona you don't even know Mel, stop acting like you do! " I groaned. She was silent for a few moments, " I don't want to know her and I don't want you around her, she just wants to take you away from me. She's jealous of our relationship, she knows ours is good and the relationship you had with her was shit " Mona spat. I decided to just keep my mouth closed again, " If I find out you've been around her, I will make sure she disappears... I've told you this before Mike, so you'd better listen to me.. I know you still love her, but I don't give a fuck, you're mine now, not hers " Mona threatened. It's true, she had said that to me before, but I didn't really believe she was serious. " Okay, I get it... but I'm gonna go to bed now... I'm exhausted " I stated with a sigh, " Okay baby, I'll see you Thursday... Love You! " Mona exclaimed. " Okay Bye! " I shouted while hanging up. I didn't love Mona, I regret ever getting together with her, because now I feel like I'm trapped. I wanted to break up with her, but then I knew Mona would end up hurting Mel and I couldn't let that happen. My mind quickly drifted back to Mel as I fell straight to asleep....

[ A Few Hours Later ]

I was woken up around 12 am, by my phone ringing again. I slowly sat up, pulling it off of the bedside table. There were 6 missed calls, all from Mel.I wasn't sure if I should call her back, not after the threat Mona made. I laid there for at least another couple of hours, watching her number pop onto the screen of my phone. Then it just stopped, I just hoped it wasn't anything important. When 8 am rolled around I quickly threw off the duvet and walked downstairs, which is where Calum and Luke where, " Morning Mike, how are you feelings? " Calum asked with a smile. I shrugged slightly sitting next to him at the kitchen table " Nothings wrong ". He sighed deeply " I saw that look on your face yesterday, when Mel walked out that door, I know that's why you left early last night ", I scratched the back of my neck " I'm fine, she can see whoever she wants... Did she call either of you last night? " . Calum shook his head, " No why? " Luke questioned with a curious look on his face. " She called me at least 20 times last night " I muttered slightly, " Did you answer? " Luke asked sitting across from Calum and I. " No.... " I sighed quietly, " Why not?... What if she was in trouble! Michael, you should've answered her, call her back right now and make sure everything's okay " Luke shouted. I sighed deeply while nodding, " Okay okay.... " I stated while turning on my phone and clicking onto her contact. It rang a few times before going to voicemail, but then I tried again. Only for it to go straight to voicemail this time. I groaned deeply, " Great... Now she's going to ignore me " I muttered quietly. " Did it go straight to voicemail? " Luke questioned, I only nodded. " Try Ash or Logan " Calum suggested with a small smile, I nodded as I quickly rang Ash. " Hey " Ashton stated, probably with a cheerful smile on his face. " Hey Ash, is Mel there? " I questioned with a sigh, " Yeah, I think so... Why? " Ashton asked curiously. " Because she called me a few times last night and I've tried to call her back, but she won't answer " I stated with another sigh, he chuckled quietly " Here, I'll go get her for you ". " Thanks... " I sighed, he chuckled once more. I could here him walk upstairs and open the door, " Hey Mel, Michael's on the phone. He wants to talk to you " I heard Ashton say. " Well, I don't want to talk to him... I would've answered his phone calls if I did... " Mel spat, clearly she was angry. " Mel... " Ashton sighed, " No Ash, I'm not talking to him " Mel stated with a small shout. Ashton sighed deeply as I heard him shut the door to her room once more, " Sorry man, I'm not sure what happened last night, but she's been in her room ever since she got home... But hey, we're all going out to this new club tonight, maybe if you came you could talk to her then... " Ashton stated with a small sigh. " Okay, cool... Thanks Ash " I muttered loud enough for him to hear, " No problem Michael. I'll see you tonight then " he stated as he hung up. I let out a deep sigh, something must have happened to her last night and I was planning on finding out what it was.


Happy Friday Everyone!!! Sorry this Chapter is so Short, but I will be Uploading another Chapter on Monday(= Hope You Enjoyed and Thank You so Much for Reading <3<3

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