( This is the Second installment, to the Dangerous Series... So, my 5 Seconds of Summer Story. Enjoy... )

A week had gone by, Michael and I had gotten so much more closer than we were before. That's not surprising though, everyone could probably see that coming. Not much has happened with the case, other than more photo's and threats from Mona. It was a rainy Friday afternoon, 3 pm to be in fact. I let out a long deep sigh, glancing around the room. Ashton had gone out to lunch with Tyler and I just decided to hang back, to work. I looked out the window, until an idea suddenly hit me. If Mona was apart of this, which I knew in fact she was. There had to be a reason why she was copying Maloni murders, so I decided to look something different up. I quickly typed away on my computer, I typed in Mona's name into the database, I clicked on a few pages and it pulled up her basic information. Plus anyone who was related to her... I let out a quiet gasp, Mona was related to Maloni... They were second cousins. " Oh my god... That's why she's doing this, she's trying to finish something Maloni couldn't " I whispered to myself, I then pulled up the Australian police database. I typed in Maloni Crood's name into it and an article popped up, * Maloni Crood, arrested for the three murders, was released on good behavior. After she filed parole twice, she was finally granted it and was signed up for community service, which she was happy to take. We wish her luck on the rest of her life now, and let's hope she's learned her lesson * . I groaned loudly " Oh Please, she only got out because her Uncle bought her out... There's no way she's learned her lesson ", soon after Ashton waled back into our office and I let him know everything I figured out.

After work was over, everyone decided to go out for dinner, but after finding out Mona and Maloni were related, I wasn't hungry. " Are you sure you don't wanna come with us? " Delilah questioned, " Yeah Mel, I'm not sure you should stay here by yourself " Ashton stated strongly. I rolled my eyes and groaned loudly " I'll be fine, I won't answer the door to anyone, especially Mona... I'll make sure everything's locked up and I do have a gun... And a can of pepper spray ", they nodded still looking at me worried. Michael hugged me tightly " If you need anything, don't even hesitate to call me... Call one of us ", I nodded with a dorky smile on my face. I pulled away and gave him a quick peck on this lips, " Okay, Go now... Try to have fun without me " I smirked. Logan groaned while walking towards the door " I don't think that'll be hard ", " Michael might not manage though " Calum smirked. Which only caused Michael to roll his eyes and kiss me one last time, I chuckled slightly pushing everyone out the door, quickly locking it behind them. " Stay safe! " Ashton shouted through the door, " Yeah yeah, goodbye! " I yelled back. As soon as I knew they were gone, I instantly turned on a movie that no one ever wanted to watch with me. I popped some popcorn and made myself a coffee and then settled onto the sofa, groaning loudly as I got comfortable. I enjoyed nights like these, nights to myself, without any distractions. It didn't take long for me to receive a few flirty texts from Michael, which only caused me to roll my eyes as I replied. Around 11 pm, I slowly started to doze off as I continued to lay on the sofa. A loud knock woke me from my sleep, I groaned loudly as I slowly stood up. I rubbed my eyes trying to wake up a bit, I then slowly walked towards the front door. I sighed as I looked through the peephole, at first I couldn't really tell who it was, but then I was finally able to see that it was Nate, a.k.a Detective Marks. I slowly opened the door, only opening it up a tiny bit. " Hello? " I asked him, " Hey Mel, how are you? " he asked curiously with his hands stuffed into his pockets. I looked at him confused " I'm fine, can I help you with anything? ", he sighed while running his hand through his messy hair " I was just wondering if you had any new information on the case ". I bit the inside of my cheek wondering if I should let him in or not, I worked with him so I could trust him, right? I opened the door more, allowing him to enter ( Biggest mistake of my Life ). At first everything was fine, but then Nate started acting weird. " Can I get you anything to drink?...Water, tea, a beer? " I asked as he made his way towards the lounge, " Uh... Beer would be fine " he muttered. I nodded while walking towards the kitchen, " I think I'll join you " I stated loud enough for him to hear. He didn't reply, he just sat down on the sofa quietly, looking around. I sighed as I carried the two beers into the lounge, placing them on the coffee table. " Could I get a napkin? " he then asked, I nodded while smiling at him softly. This was weird, I wondered why he was acting so different, or why he was here this late at night. I walked into the kitchen and grabbed a few napkins for him, I could here him doing something in the lounge, but I just brushed it off. I slowly walked back into the lounge handing the napkins to him. I awkwardly sat down next to him, and picked up my bottle of beer, taking a large sip of it. " So, you wanted to talk about the case? " I asked curiously, he nodded unsurely " I just wanted to know if you had any other information on the killers ". I looked at him confused, taking another drink from my beer. " Ash and I never told anyone that we thought there were multiple killers. So, why are you really here? " I asked feeling a bit funny, something wasn't right. The few sips from the beer I was drinking was already making my mind feel fuzzy, something was definitely wrong here. " I think you already know the answer to that question Mel, you know too much and I'm sorry that I have to do this to you... Because you're a nice girl... But, I'm in love with her and I'd do anything to make her happy " he stated strongly, I quickly stood up and back away from him. I know exactly who he was talking about, fucking Mona. I rapidly blinked my eyes as they started to get blurry, I quickly tried ti get myself up the stairs. I just needed to get to my room, to reach the pepper spray, or my small gun. The front door opened quickly relieving 3 guys all in black, making their way towards me. I knocked over a potted plant, hoping it would slow them down, I could reach the top of the stairs without a problem It worked for the most part. As I stumbled down the corridor, I was knocking things over and I was able to reach my room. Unfortunately thanks to my brother, there was no lock on the door, it probably wouldn't of helped anyway. I ran over to my bedside table, quickly rummaging through it. Even though my vision was blurry and I really couldn't see a thing, I was able to find the can of pepper spray. Just in time too, the door flew open and the three men stood there, with looks on their faces ( I couldn't see them ). " Now Honey ( Cringe ), Are you gonna cooperate or are we gonna have to do this the hard way? " one of them asked me, I didn't reply, I just sat there on my bedroom floor. One of them walked towards me and once he grabbed me tightly by my wrist, he got a face full of pepper spray. " Ahh! " he screamed stepping away from me, my vision became even hazier and I honestly felt like I could fall asleep for days. " I guess we'll be doing this the hard way " another one of them growled as he steeped towards me, punching me square in the face. I stumbled back from the blow, instantly hitting my back on the side of my bedside table and then I closed my eyes tightly. I was still able to fight with them though. " I thought this was supposed to be easy, the drugs Nate gave her were supposed to knock her out. I didn't think she'd put up such a fight " one of the men stated, " I don't know, but if Brian ends up blind because of this bitch, I'll fucking kill her myself " Another one of the guys said. ( Brian must've been the guy who got my can of pepper spray to the face, Good I hope he does end up fucking blind ) I thought with a small smirk, I continued to get punched, not only in the face, but all over my body. After a few minutes, I gave up. I was in too much pain, my body ached from all the punches and kicks. My eyes were already closed, but I felt myself being pulled away from reality and into the darkness. Minutes later, I was out like a light.

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