( This is the Second installment, to the Dangerous Series... So, my 5 Seconds of Summer Story. Enjoy... )

I walked into Delilah and Logan's hotel, bathroom. Because 1, they weren't ready to go and then 2, I was having a small panic attack. Maybe I wasn't ready to see him and his ' Bitch ' of a girlfriend. I was re-thinking my outfit choice, I looked like I was trying to hard to impress someone. Part of me didn't understand why I cared so much about this. Sure I loved him or still Love him, I don't even know know anymore. My heart liked to play tricks on me, dirty, dirty tricks. I let out a sigh of frustration as I sat on the edge of the bathtub. It wasn't long before I started hearing some loud knocking on the hotel door, which caused me to leave the bathroom in a frantic way. " Who could that be? " I asked the room full of my friends, they all shrugged ( too afraid to open the door ). I groaned deeply and Pulled open the door, without looking in the little peep hole. My jaw instantly dropped at who was standing there. " Oli!?! Oh my God... You're joking! What are you doing here, you mad man! " I exclaimed hugging him tightly, he chuckled as he hugged me back " I made the decision to extend my holiday. So here I am, in LA. You made it seem so nice, I was curious ". I smiled as I pulled him into the room, " Oh you just missed me " I stated as a joke. He rolled his eyes, but smiled " Oh, ha,ha ha....but yes. I went from seeing you everyday, to seeing you like only once... over Skype... Not the same ". " So do you have your own room, or are you bunking with me? " I asked with a smirk, he chuckled " I got my own room, don't worry... Down the hall actually... So, that's a nice dress, got a date tonight? ". I shook my head and then looked up to see all my friends just staring at us, smiles on their faces ( I'd forgotten they were there ). Oh shit, sorry guys... Oli, this is Luke and Calum... You obviously know the other three... We're all going out to dinner " I stated with a slight sigh, " Everyone, like in... Him? " Oli asked me quietly. I nodded as I ran my hand through my hair " Yeah, but now you can come too!... Is that all right with you guys? ", they all nodded including Oli. " I I just need to take a quick shower first, I'll be back in 15 minutes, I swear " Oli smiled at the room of people. Logan and Ashton chuckled, " Dude, we're not leaving for an hour, so take as long as you need " Logan smirked. Oli nodded sending me one last cocky smirk, " See you later Oliver! " I smirked as I teased him. He sent me a glare as he walked out of the room " Don't call me that Melody!! ". I chuckled as I turned to the rest of the group, who were all sending me large smiles. " What!? " I exclaimed, they all chuckled while shaking their heads.

An hour later, I stood in the lobby waiting for Oli. Everyone else took another taxi over to the restaurant, I stayed back ( Obviously ). " Well, hello there, Beauty " Oli smirked from behind me, trying to be cool ( It wasn't working ). He had his leather jacket on, which I had only ever seen him were twice. I rolled my eyes " Yeah, hello to you too, beast ", he glared at me once more " I am no Beast, Mel. More like Prince charming. No, No Robin Hood ". I rolled my eyes again " How old are you again? ", he chuckled while giving me a small hug. " Come on, the taxi's waiting for us outside. Everyone's already there " I stated walking out of the hotel and climbing into the back of the taxi, he followed. " I'm sure Luke and Calum are telling Michael that you're coming " I mumbled, " Is that a bad thing? " Oli questioned wearing a smirk. I shook my head " I'm glad you're here ", " Me too Mel. Me too " Oli sighed.

We walked into the restaurant and instantly saw the group, sitting at a large circular table. Michael was there, with his Hoe, of course. Butterflies started fluttering around in my stomach, which pissed me off. " Hey guys, it's about time you showed up " Luke stated with a chuckle, " Sorry, MR. ' Prince Charming ' took forever " I stated using air quotes. Oli rolled his eyes as he took a seat, I sat as far away from Michael as I could, I didn't even look at him, or even near him. I just couldn't you know, things would be a lot different if he would've just acted as if he cared about what was going on in my life, but he didn't ( I think he was starting to realize, he had fucked up ). I sat between Delilah and Oli and even though we were the last to show up, everyone at the table decided to wait, so we could all order together ( Which was nice ). " So, What's good here? " Delilah asked Calum who was sitting across from her, " Everything " he replied with a smile. She chuckled quietly as she looked at me, " What are you gonna get? " she asked with a sigh. I shrugged slightly " Probably pasta or steak... Don't know yet. What are you having Oli? ", he smiled widely at me " I think I'll have whatever you're having ". I rolled my eyes and smiled at him " I think I'll just have pepperoni and pineapple pizza... ", Delilah looked at me with a look of disgust ( She hated Pepperoni's and Pineapples ). After we ordered our meals, everyone sat around and talked. I still hadn't looked Michael's way, I just couldn't bring myself to do it. Delilah squeezed my hand, telling me everything would be okay. I was trying to act fine, but I wasn't fine at all. I was still angry and upset, but can you blame me. " So, how are you liking your new job Mel? " Calum asked trying to start a friendly conversation, because honestly, the tension around the table was well intense... Very, very intense. You could cut it with a knife. " I really love it.... All the kids are great are great and even though it gets stressful, it's pretty awesome " I stated as I smiled at him, " Do you like it more than being a detective? " Luke asked. " Well, I worked with a bunch of assholes, who never believed in me.... Ash was the only one it that place who knew what I was capable of, he listened and took me seriously... So yes, I like it so much more... The only thing I miss about being a detective is, working with Ash " I chuckled quietly. " What's her new Job? " I heard Michael's girlfriend whispered to him, but it's more like she shouted the question, because the whole damn table could hear her loud mouth. Michael didn't answer her though. Luke did. " She's an art teacher... but she used to be a detective " he stated seriously, the girl called Mona ( Or as I call her ' Michael's hoe ) smirked. " So, she down graded " she laughed, anger grew inside me. I loved being an art teacher, getting to teach and watch kids learn how to draw, paint and just love art, it was a joy to witness. And now this bitch was mocking it. I took in a deep sigh as I felt Oli take my hand, he knew how much I loved my job, they all did. Hell, even Michael probably knew. I was trying not to look over that way, because I didn't wanna see his face, but at that moment, I didn't care. I slowly looked toward her and sent her a deadly glare, she just continued to laugh like a hyena. " Really? I don't think I've down graded.... And if I were you, I'd watch your mouth because those kids have more heart and personality, in their pinkie fingers, then you have in your entire body! " I spat in a low tone, she quickly stopped laughing, only to glare back at me. " Was that a threat, are you threatening me?... I should report you " she exclaimed quietly, I chuckled slightly " I'm sorry, but no one really cares about a low rate actress.... So please, shut up now ". She glared at me more, " Don't tell me to shut up bitch.... I know, you're just jealous. Yeah, I'm with Mike and you're not... He chose me, not you " she stated with a laugh again. I raised one of my eyebrows and cocked my head " I don't think you realize that, I don't care about what he does or who he's with... If you think you won him, then fine. Congratulations, you deserve him ", she smiled evilly at me as she rubbed his back. I rolled my eyes to cover up the fact that I was hurting, I hadn't even noticed Oli's hand in mine, but when I finally did, I squeezed it tight. I leaned toward him, " I wanna leave.... I can't stay here " I mumbled so that only Oli could hear it. " Mona... You weren't even invited here in the first place, so if you don't shut up then you could just fucking leave " Luke stated strongly as he was standing up for me ( Or at Least I thought he was standing up for me.... ), Mona scoffed " Oh, I'm not leaving here without Mike... That bitch's probably just trying to get her grubby hands on him again... I'm not letting that happen ". " That's enough now... " Ash stated, " Yeah, obviously you don't know that whole story... " Logan spat. I groaned slightly as I started to stand up, " Yeah, it was my decision to come to LA, just so I could get my ' Grubby ' hands on him " I stated using air quotes, " It's not like I was tricked by my friends or anything, Bitch I'd rather be anywhere but here... but guess what, I'm stuck here, for the entire holiday.... And you're going to see me, so get used to it... " . I then glanced at everyone at the table, including Michael, who was wearing a sly smile. I then turned my back to the table and stormed out of the restaurant, once I hit the pavement, I sighed deeply. I looked around and not far from the restaurant, there was a McDonalds... Well, it was no pizza, but it would have to do for dinner...

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