( This is the Second installment, to the Dangerous Series... So, my 5 Seconds of Summer Story. Enjoy... )

About a week later, our group of friends found our way to the nearest beach. It wasn't very crowded when we got there, it was like our own little private beach. We set up chairs, umbrellas and coolers. I immediately sat down in one of the chairs, I wasn't feeling the greatest and was even contemplating on coming, but after everyone begged me to come, I couldn't say no to them ( And we didn't have much more time in LA, so I figured why not make the most of it ). I shut my eyes because everything was spinning and I felt like I was going to be sick. I had been feeling this way for the past week and it was really starting to worry everyone, Delilah mostly. " Mel, are you alright? " she asked placing her hand on my back, " Are you hungry or thirsty? ". I just shook my head no, while keeping my eyes closed. " Maybe you should drink something, you might be dehydrated " Ashton stated with a concerned tone of voice, I knew it wasn't that, since I've been dehydrated before. To put there minds at ease though, I took a water. After calming down slightly, I opened my eyes and smiled shyly at them. " You all go have fun, I'm just gonna stay here and see if this will pass " I stated quietly, but they all just stared at me concerned and worried looks on their face. I scoffed slightly while running my hand through my hair " Go! I'm fine, really ", they each nodded slowly as they started stripping out of their clothes. Michael kissed me on the forehead and then smiled " You yell for me if you need anything ", I nodded sending him a smile. I chuckled as I watched him run towards the water, where everyone was already. I pulled my phone out of my bag, looking to see if I had any missed messages from anyone ( I don't know why I would ). Today was Jayden and Hunter's birthday, I was sad I couldn't be there with them this year, but I would definitely would make it up to them. " Hey Mel! " I heard a voice shout from the distance, I looked around and noticed Tyler walking towards me, I smiled and waved towards him. " Hey, Thanks for inviting me, how come you're sitting here all alone? " he asked sitting in a chair next to me, I shrugged slightly " Not feeling to well, mostly nauseous and dizziness ". He smiled while nodding " Well, I'll keep you company... ". I chuckled quietly, " So, point everyone out to me " Tyler stated looking off into the distance at my friends ". " Well, you already know Ash " I sighed, he nodded with a smile. " The boy with the dirty blonde, short hair is my older brother Logan, the pretty girl with the long blonde hair is my best friend Delilah... " I stated with a smile, " The two weirdo's pushing each other around, are Calum and Luke ". He chuckled loudly " And let me guess, the red head is Michael? ", I nodded with a smile. " He's cute Mel, way to go! " Tyler stated with a smirk, I rolled my eyes while laughing " Yeah, I'm very lucky! ". Tyler smiled slightly as we continued talking about all the random things in the world, when another wave of nausea hit. " Are you okay Mel? " Tyler asked looking at me worried, I sighed deeply and nodded ( But, I didn't open my mouth, I was too afraid to ). " Do you need me to get you anything? " Tyler asked curiously, I shook my head as I stood up. " I'll be right back " I sighed as I too of running towards the nearest toilets, I was going to be sick , there was no doubt about that. Once I found them, I slammed the cubical door shut. " Uhh... Public bathrooms... " I groaned as I lent over the toilet, I just let everything out. Minutes later there was a knock on the door, " Mel... Are you alright in there?... You didn't fall into the toilet, right? " I heard Tyler ask. I wiped my mouth with a paper towel and flushed the toilet, I did feel a lot better now. I quickly washed my hands, but stood up against the door, because I was to afraid to leave ( I didn't want to have rush back in here anytime soon ). " Should I go get someone... " he asked, " No... I'm okay... I'm coming " I stated with a sigh as I opened the cubical door. " Hey... You sure you're okay... " Tyler questioned with a small smile, " Yeah, just emptied my stomach into the toilet... But, I'm okay " I stated with a quite chuckle. We both walked back over to out area on the beach and sat back down in our chairs. I looked for Michael, but I didn't see him anywhere. Then again, I didn't see any of the people I came here with. " Where'd they go? " I asked with a confused expression on my face, Tyler shrugged while looking around. " Oh, I see them, they're at the snack bar over there " I stated pointing towards them all, Tyler nodded while chuckling. I sighed deeply while shutting my eyes, I heard a deep Australian chuckle and I opened my eyes while looking up at Michael. I ran my hand through my hair and put it up in a messy bun, " Are you hungry, Do you want anything to eat? " he asked with a smirk. I shook my head and sighed " I just threw up my entire breakfast... ", " Well, then you need to eat something Mel " he stated strongly. " Okay, Delilah made me a turkey sandwich, can you grab it for me please? " I stated while pointing over to the cooler, Michael smiled widely while nodding happily. He quickly dug out the sandwich and handed it to me, he then walked back over to the snack bar, probably to get his food. I took a bite from the turkey sandwich and sighed, " Want the other half?... Delilah makes the best food, you should try her waffles, they're life changing " I told Tyler with a smile. Before we could respond, we both heard the group approach us. " Mel, stop telling people the waffles I make are life changing " Delilah stated sitting on the towel in front of me, " But it's true, they are! " I exclaimed loudly. She chuckled while shaking her head, " You're the only one who thinks that... " Logan mumbled sitting next to her. Delilah gasped while looking at him " Fine, then I won't ever make them for you again ", I chuckled while looking back at Tyler. He smiled and shook his head " I don't really like turkey, I'll just go get something from the snack bar... Be back in 2 seconds ", I nodded with a smile. Not long after Tyler left, Michael made his way towards me, carrying a piece of pizza ( Typical ). He then sat next to me in one of the chairs ( But, not the one Tyler was sitting in ), " Keep eating that sandwich " he stated with a smirk. " Okay Dad " I groaned while rolling my eyes, he only chuckled with taking a bite of his pizza.

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