( This is the Second installment, to the Dangerous Series... So, my 5 Seconds of Summer Story. Enjoy... )

Another week had gone by, with just as much fun and crazy times. This was really becoming a Holiday to Remember. [ Friday Afternoon ] We were getting ready to go on a small adventure, all of us, including some of the boys ( Luke, Calum and Michael ) other friends too. I threw on a pair of navy blue shorts and a white tank top, that had a very catchy logo on the front. I slipped on some black flip flops and then walked downstairs, where I joined everyone. " Are you ready? " Luke questioned with a groan, I chuckled slightly as I nodded. " Okay, time to go! " he stated while standing up, which we all quickly followed. I jumped into the backseat of Luke's truck, between Michael and Delilah. " Time for some real fun! " Michael exclaimed with a large smile on his face, I could only chuckle and roll my eyes. " So, where are we going? ... How long are we going to be driving for? " Delilah asked curiously, " Well, we'll be driving for a little over an hour and we're going to have fun " Michael told her with a smirk, indicating that he wasn't going to tell us where we were going. I smiled at him as I put head on his shoulder, I knew where we were going. It's hard to explain, we were going somewhere that was in the middle of nowhere, basically to mess around like crazy kids. The back of Luke's truck was packed with water guns, water balloons, Nerf guns, chairs, coolers, it was gonna be great. Ashton was riding in Calum's car with only a few of the guys friends, this wasn't like a huge party, it was just small little get together. I had been excited for this all week, I just couldn't wait for today. I somehow fell asleep with my head on Michael's shoulder, it was just really comfortable. [ Sometime Later ] I was lightly shaken awake, " Mel... We're here... " Michael whispered to me while placing a kiss on my cheek. I groaned deeply as I rubbed my eyes, " Huh? " I questioned stupidly and still half asleep. I heard multiple people chuckle as I opened my eyes, " Oh, right? " I sigh. I stretched my arms slightly and smiled at Michael, then I slowly got out of the truck. There were a few coolers, filled with 20 different beverages. There were chairs set up all over the place, along with a few trolleys, which I found a bit strange. I yawned slightly as I sat down in one of the chairs, since we were the first to arrive. Somebody turned on a stereo, quite loud might I add. I sighed deeply as two more cars pulled up, Delilah placed herself in a chair right night to mine as all the rowdy boys, high five'd and hugged ( Whatever boys now a days do ). Michael smiled at me while he walked towards us, " Do you want anything to drink? " he questioned with a smirk. I sighed deeply " Beer... ", he nodded still wearing a smirk " Delilah? ". She snapped out of her daze and glanced at him " Hmm? ", " Would you like something to drink? " Michael asked with a chuckle. " Water is fine... " she sighed a very small sigh, he nodded while walking off again. I looked over at Delilah strangely, who was staring over a Logan. He was standing not far from us, but he was surrounded by 3 girls. I groaned quietly while rolling my eyes, " What's wrong? " I questioned curiously. " What?! " she asked looking at me confused, " What's wrong D? " I asked again. She shook her head and sighed " Nothing ", I rolled my eyes " D, somethings wrong... Are you jealous? ". She glared at me slightly " No!... I'm just worried ", I looked at her confused " About what? ". Just as she was about to answer, Michael walked back towards us, handing us our drinks. " Thank Michael... " she smiled, he returned the smile " We're gonna go take a spin in those shopping carts ". I chuckled loudly " Just be careful, okay ", he nodded while wearing a smile and then placed a kiss on my cheek. He then quickly walked off towards the group of guys, " Okay... Now, what are you worried about? " I asked with a sigh. She quickly ran her hand through her hair and took a sip of her water, " I just think Logan's becoming distant towards me... Ever since you went missing, I just think somethings changed in our relationship " she stated looking down. I mean, she wasn't wrong though, something had changed in their relationship. Logan was planning on proposing soon, he was just trying not to ruin the secret ( Because he had done that before ). I scoffed while shaking my head " D, stop worrying about that. Logan Loves you so fucking much... Like I don't think you see it, but we all do. He'd be so lost without you.. I swear, you have nothing to worry about... Just trust me ", she bit her lit while nodding " Okay.. ". A few seconds later, Logan strutted towards us with a smile on his face and a beer in his hand. " What are you little ladies talking about? " he asked sitting in a chair that was next to Delilah's, " Everything you will never know " I smirked widely. Logan rolled his eyes while chuckling slightly, " How come you're not apart of the trolley races? " Delilah asked him while pointing to the four boys ( Ash, Calum, Luke and Michael ). I glanced towards them, sure enough Calum and Luke were sitting in two of the trolleys while Michael and Ashton pushed them. I chuckled as I turnd my attention back to Delilah and Logan, " I'm just not as crazy as them... Plus our whole family is accident proned remember " Logan stated with a smile. Delilah smiled at him slightly as she nodded her head, " Why aren't you over there Mel, we all know you're the dare - devil type " Logan asked with a smirk. I rolled my eyes while scoffing " I just got out of the hospital, do you really think I wanna go back so soon? ", he smirked slightly while he shrugged. I looked at him strangely for a few seconds, until I found myself soaked with water. I dropped my beer bottle, causing it to smash into pieces on the ground. I looked up to see Calum standing there holding a water gun, smiling evilly at me. " Calum Hood, you're so fucking dead! " I exclaimed as I slowly stood up, " Looks like you chose the wrong day to wear a white shirt " Calum laughed. Causing me to look down at my white tank top, that was now completely see through ( But, at least I was wearing my bikini underneath ). " You're still going down Hood! " I shouted picking up my own water gun, " You're on Rae! " he exclaimed back. I then took off after him, making sure to hit him with water any chance I had, he didn't go easy on me though. " Hey, be careful Cal, don't hurt my girl! " Michael shouted as he sat in the seat I was originally sitting in, I stopped dead in my tracks and looked at him with wide eyes ( I just couldn't believe he had actually said that ). As I stood there motionless for a few minutes, with my mind running rapid, Calum took the opportunity to sneak up to me and squirt me in the face with his water gun. " Hey! " I yelled finally snapping out of my daze, " I was distracted! ". He shrugged while wearing a cocky grin, it only caused me to chuckle and chase him again.

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