( This is the Second installment, to the Dangerous Series... So, my 5 Seconds of Summer Story. Enjoy... )

I rolled over in bed, pressing my face into the pillow. It smelled just like Michael, Dammit. I sat up and looked around the room, the sun was shining through the curtains just enough to illuminate the entire room. It looked like it did, in that old house they lived in before, you know the one in Australia. I glanced over to the bedside table, my bag was there, along with some aspirin and a glass of water. I quickly took them and pulled my phone out of my bed. I had multiple texts from Oli and a few from Delilah. The time was only 6:50 am and honestly, I didn't want to leave Michael's warm bed. I texted Delilah really quick, then I looked through through the messages from Oli. They were mostly things like * Hey, stay safe *, * What's Up? *, * Call me when you wake up *. I let out a deep sigh, yawning a bit. I called Oli a few seconds later, " Hello, Mel??? " Oli asked sounding tired and a little bit annoyed. " Yeah Yeah.... " I groaned slightly ( Only because I had a headache and felt like I was going to vomit ), " Are you alright? Did anything happen last night " he asked curiously. I sighed again " Of course nothing happened last night Oli, I'm not a slut ", " I'm not saying you're a slut, I'm just saying.... You were hung up on that guy and my guess is, if he wanted you back, you'd give him another chance... Don't even try to deny it, Mel " he stated sternly. " Alright, sure. Seeing him again has brought up some mixed feelings I have for him, but he's got a girlfriend now. He doesn't want me anymore, so no I wouldn't just take him back, because I deserve better.... I'm sorry I didn't just go home with you guys, but I did have fun last night... " I stated as I was starting to get angry now, I heard him let out a deep sigh on the other end " As long as you had fun and didn't do anything stupid , that's okay then... ". " Am I going to get to see you today? " I asked him, " I don't know, I've got some errands to run, but maybe tonight " he muttered ( I could tell he was mad at me, for what reason, I don't know. But, I really didn't feel like being judged, because I knew that's what he was doing ). I ran my hand through my messy hair, " Okay, well I'm going to go. I've got a bad headache and talking on the phone really isn't helping ", " Okay Mel, I'll talk to you later... Be safe with them " Oli stated. " Bye Oli " I muttered as I hung up, ( Oli had nothing to worry about, I knew they wouldn't hurt me. Physically, anyway ).

I laid there for at least 15 minutes, just looking at everything he had in his room ( Posters on the wall, TV with plenty of different video games, computer and at least 4 different guitars ). I was about to get up, when I heard yelling coming from downstairs. " Where the Hell were you last night Michael, I called you so many times, but you never answered me! " Michael's girlfriend Mona shouted, I didn't hear anything on Michael's part. " Fucking answer Me Michael!! " Mona yelled again, " I was out with my friends Mona, I told you that before I went out last night " Michael said calmly, but I could still hear him ( I think there were thin walls in this house, but it sounded as if they were somewhere in the corridor ). " You were out with that slut weren't you! I told you I didn't want you hanging around those other people, only Calum and Luke can be your friends! " Mona shouted in a fit of rage, I was extremely uncomfortable, she'd probably try to kill me is she knew I was here right now. " You don't own him Mona, you can't tell him who he can be friends with " Luke yelled, " Did I say you could speak? " Mona questioned in the bitchiest tone. " Mona stop! " Michael exclaimed ( Probably starting to get pissed ), she didn't respond. " Yes, I was hanging out with Mel. No, she's not a slut, because she didn't even talk to me. And that's your fault, so stop yelling at me. Stop barking orders and stop telling me who I can or can't be friends with. Now please leave for now, I need to think some things over, I'll call you later " Michael stated in a very stern tone, I didn't here her voice again. I just heard the front door slam shut, so I'm guessing she left. I just continued to sit there, I honestly didn't know what to do. It was 11:15 am, before someone quietly opened the door, I was still sitting up against the headboard. Luke popped his head into the room and smiled when we noticed I was already awake. " Good Morning Mel, how are you feeling? " he asked as he walked into the room, I sighed slightly " I feel alright, other than a small headache ". " Do you want some breakfast or anything? " he questioned, I shook my head no. " Did you sleep well?... Do you know where you are? " he asked curiously, I gave him a look and rolled my eyes " Obviously I know where I am, Luke... I was half awake last night, you know ". He chuckled slightly " So, you wanted to stay here, didn't you? ", I quickly shook my head and scoffed " No, I was drunk off my ass and wanted to sleep... I would've slept on a park bench for all I care... But, thanks for letting me sleep here ". He sighed while rubbing the back of his neck " Don't thank me, this is Michael's room ", I nodded letting out a deep sigh. " Did happen to hear the chaos this morning? " he asked randomly, I nodded " Why does he stay with her? ". Luke shrugged slightly " I just think he doesn't want to be lonely, that's why he keeps he around. You know, they barely do anything in this room, he doesn't ever want her in here ", I stared at him confused " Why would he get lonely? ". Before they were a ' Thing ', they hooked up a few times. he told Calum and I that she reminded him of you, at first. But once they made their relationship official, she changed completely " Luke sighed. I nodded with a small sigh, I didn't know how to respond to that. " Is there anyway you could give him a chance... I mean, I know what he did was wrong. Ignoring you and all, but he misses you and I know you miss him. Even if it's just as friends.. " Luke questioned curiously, I thought for only a second, before nodding. " Friends... Could be a thing... " I stated with a tiny smile. He nodded, happiness read on his face. " Well, I should probably get you back to the condo. Or else Logan will kill me " he muttered loud enough for me to hear, I nodded as I slipped on my shoes. " Ashton's already left with Calum, they went out for breakfast " Luke told me, I nodded once more as we walked out of the bedroom. We walked downstairs and through the lounge, where Michael was. He quickly stood up when he saw us, I sent him a genuine smile, then I did something I thought I'd never do. I gave him a quick hug, " Thanks for letting me sleep in your bed " I stated still wearing a smile. He nodded, but looked like he , was in shock or surprised. I pulled away still smiling, then I followed Luke out onto the drive way and climbed into his car. This was going to be an interesting Holiday....

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