( This is the Second installment, to the Dangerous Series... So, my 5 Seconds of Summer Story. Enjoy... )

Another week and then two, had gone by. Michael and I were inseparable, but I wouldn't have had it any other way. At the moment, Ashton and I were sitting in the lounge, waiting for Logan and Michael to return to the condo with dinner. " So, I've made a decision " Ashton randomly stated, I looked over at him confused " And? ". " I'm not gonna be a detective anymore... I'm quitting as soon as we get back to Australia ", my eyes went wide as I dramatically gasped. Ashton chuckled as my reaction, " Why!? " I exclaimed. He smiled widely " Because I'm tired of it, I don't want to see anyone else I care about get hurt... I'm thinking about getting a job at the school you work at... I heard they were looking for another gym teacher. I mean I know Oli's the girls gym teacher, but Oli's told me that they're looking for someone to be the guys gym teacher... I've already sent in my resume ", " You've talked to Oli? " I asked with a shocked expression. He shrugged slightly, but nodded " Yeah, I just called him to see if there were any openings at the school... ". I couldn't help but smile widely and jump up. " So, you're serious about this? " I questioned, he nodded with a smile " Yes, well I've missed working with you ". I quickly attacked him in a tight hug " Oh, I'm so excited! ", he groaned " You're hurting me Mel!... And I can't breathe! ". I let go of him, still wearing that large smile. " I hope you get the job, working with kids is amazing " I stated with a sigh, he could only nod. I could tell he was a bit nervous about it, but I knew he'd be amazing with kids. The door swung open as Logan and Michael walked into the house, joined by Calum and Luke too. " Delilah! We're back " Logan yelled, " She's in the shower " I stated while smiling at them. They took the containers of food to the kitchen, I quickly followed. " Where's mine? " I asked excitedly ( Because I was starving ), " In my car... " Michael stated. I stared at him confused " Why? ", " Because I wanted to spend the night alone with you, We're going to head over to my place " he smirked. I raised one of my eyebrows at him " Oh really? ", he chuckled while nodding. " Okay, I'm down for that " I stated while I slipped my shoes on, " What about Luke and Calum? ". " We're staying here tonight, you and Mike get the house all to yourselves. Just please don't have sex in our kitchen " Luke stated with a groan, I smirked over at him " No promises ". " Okay, Go... Now " Luke stated with a disgusted look on his face, while pushing Michael towards the door. Michael chuckled while grabbing my hand, pulling me towards the front door. " Bye Everyone, have a nice night. I know I will " I continued to smirk, everyone in the lounge groaned deeply as I was pulled out the door. I got into the front seat of Michael's car and looked at him curiously " Why'd you want to be alone with me?.... I thought you would've been tired of me by now ", he sighed deeply " Well, you're wrong and I could never get tired of you... But, you're leaving in 4 weeks... So, I need as much time with you as possible ". I nodded slowly " But, it's not like I'm disappearing from your life... ", " I know, but I wanted to talk about something with you " he stated genuinely. I groaned deeply " Oh god... It's bad isn't it ", he chuckled slightly while kissing me deeply, which took me off guard. " No, it's not bad... Don't worry " he smirked as he put the car into drive, I sighed while nodding as I continued to just sit in the passenger seat. It didn't take us long to arrive at their house, " So, we're having dinner together... Then what? " I asked as we walked through the front door. " We're gonna watch a few films and just... Be together " he smiled, I nodded while walking towards the kitchen and set the containers of food on the table. We quickly ate our dinners, while laughing at lame jokes and just talking about our lives. Then we decided to lounge on the sofa, to watch a few films.

After we sat there for an hour, I could tell he was nervous about something. So, I looked over at him " What did you want to talk about?.... And why are you so nervous? ". He sighed deeply as he dramatically held my hand, " Might as well get it over with " he sighed to himself. I looked at him a bit confused, now I was worried. " I wanted to know if you wanted to make our relationship exclusive... " he muttered loud enough for me to hear, " Like, I'm your girlfriend, you're my boyfriend, type of thing? " I asked stupidly. He smirked while nodding, " Okay, cool. Is that why you were so nervous? " I asked. He shook his head no, while running his hand through his hair. " I wanted to ask if you'd move here... Like to LA... " he sighed quietly, " We could buy a little place together, I wouldn't make you work or anything... I just wanna be with you ". I looked down at my hands while deeply sighing " I wanna be with you too, but no... ", he stared at me confused as to why I said no. " Michael, my job and family are in Australia. I can't just leave them... I'm sorry, but we've talked about this " I stated strongly, " But, I thought you would've changed your mind. Especially since I asked you to be my girlfriend " he stated quietly. " Is that the only reason why you asked me, because you thought I'd stay? " I questioned as I shrugged his arm off of my shoulder, he quickly shook " No no, I do want you to be my girlfriend, I just thought... ". " Well, you thought wrong Michael " I stated running my hand through my hair, " What happened to calling each other on the phone or skyping each other... You were fine with that before ". " We can still do that, I'm just worried about the whole thing... I wish you would just think about it... I don't understand why you're acting like a little bi - " he stopped himself from finishing the sentence, I looked at him and shook my head while letting out a sigh. " Sorry, if I'm acting like a bitch, but you can't expect me to just leave my whole life behind... " I exclaimed standing up, now I was getting angrier. " We could make a life here together though " he mumbled as h stood up as well, " I'm sorry, but no " I stated again while crossing my arms ( Great, this night started off good, but now it's turning horrible ). He let out a deep shout as he walked towards the kitchen, punching the closest wall to him ( I knew this would happen in the long run ). " Why can't you just fucking think about it, you don't even care about my fucking feelings! " he yelled probably grabbing a beer from the fridge, " Oh, and you're thinking about my feelings?.... You just expect me to leave all my family behind, my brothers, my nieces and nephews. You just expect me to quit my job, even though I Love it so much... I'm sorry, but I can't do that " I yelled back at him. " So, what you're saying is that, I'm not worth you moving here? " he stated with absolutely no emotion, " Oh my God!... You knew whenever we started this ' Thing ' between us, that I'd be going back to Australia... Why were you okay with it then, and now you're freaking out about it " I questioned sternly. He shrugged without looking at me, " Maybe I though I could get you to stay, but clearly I'm not important to you, because if I were, you wouldn't be leaving " he stated. I stared at him dumbfounded for a second, then I picked up my bag, " Fuck this.. " I stated as I waled towards the front door. He looked at me panicked, but never left the spot he was standing in. Before I walked out, I turned back towards him. " Now you can just go back to ignoring me, it was much easier for me when you weren't speaking to me " I stated while slamming the door shut behind me, " Fuck! Fuck! Fuck! " I heard him shout from inside, accompanied by a few more punches to the walls. I walked to the curb and pulled out my phone, Google Maps would be good for showing me the way back to the condo. I quickly punched in the address and started walking, this was going to be a long night.

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