The letter

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A normal school day managed to turn into what Sophie and her friends thought to be the best day ever. Unfortunately, it wasn't going to be as great as she thought. But that's for later on. Right now, all you need to know is that Mr Anderson was telling Sophie's class about a school trip they were going on.
"These letters will be handed in by Friday else you will not be participating in the trip. You will have exactly what the list says and you will not dream of bringing any electronics." A groan went through the class.
"There is no signal and we will have an emergency phone." He explained. Mr Anderson had short black hair, green eyes and thick rimmed, square glasses. He was an ok teacher in Sophie's opinion but unfortunately made sure she did her maths homework. But then, so did her mum.
Sophie herself had soft, long brown hair and ocean blue eyes. Her pale skin was complete with rosy lips and cheeks.  She didn't have a best friend, but her friendship group all liked her for her kind and thoughtful personality, although she definitely wasn't shy. Quite the opposite, in fact!
It was a Wednesday and everyone was really excited to get the letter in as soon as possible. After school, Sophie ran home and shoved the letter in her mum's face.
"Please let me go! It's only a residential for 2 nights and 3 days! Please please please!!!!!!" She pleased. Her mum took the letter out of her hands and began to read it,
"I would have let you go after 'please' you know!" She laughed and signed it then cut off the slip and left it by the front door for the next day.

In the morning Sophie ran to school extra early and almost chucked the slip at the receptionist.
"Sophie!" She heard a call from behind her, "Sophie!" She swivelled round to see her friends standing there waving.
"Did you come in early as well?" She asked.
"Obviously!" They all laughed and went into there classroom for the day.

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