An explanation

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The girls and Jasper were kept in the small room tied to chairs all day. They hated it, and didn't know what they had done wrong. Later that afternoon the man brought them some food and untied their hands, but only one at a time. They were bored, scared, worried, sad. It was so frustrating to not be able to say anything all day, not move your hands for hours.
Finally, at about 8:00pm, the man drew up a chair and sat on it, facing the children. He cleared his throat and began to speak.
"Well, you probably don't know why you're here. I'm going to tell you that now." He told them everything. The prophecy, who they were. A small tear ran down Sophie's face as she found out who she was. Then she shook it away, how could she believe him? He could be lying about everything. But were Sophie and her friends really destined to be together, as a team? Was she really as powerful as he said?
"Sophie, my dear, you have the power to do anything in the world. You can kill people with a flick of your hand, know exactly what people are thinking and when, change people's thoughts. You can do anything! But not without your team. They make you stronger. They also contain magic, just not as strong as you." He took Sophie's gag off, but all she did was smile slyly.
"You know, you really are as stupid as I thought," she sighed. Sophie had no idea how she was going to do this, she had never used magic in her life, but she definitely had the advantage; the man truly believed she was the One. If it wasn't true, and she wasn't magic, she could sill escape.
"How do you mean?" Asked the man, a little intimidated by her, but still keeping his confidence, determined not to let a group of 10 year olds scare him.
"You should never tell someone what they're capable of," she reached out, trying her best to use this new power successfully. Her mind touched those of her friends and they joined together as one; the One. They directed their thoughts towards the man, enjoying the tingly feeling it gave them. They changed his thoughts. His thoughts about Sophie, her friends, the Prophecy, everything to do with this. They made him tell them everything. Sophie enjoyed the feeling of power, but she couldn't use it too much, she couldn't grow greedy.

They made him save them, protect them. Sophie decided to keep him for later help getting the teachers and pupils back to normal again, as well as all the staff in the castle.

The friends walked down the corridor of the castle, feeling like nothing in the world could stop them, which was funny, because nothing could stop them. Sophie was (and still is) the most powerful thing in the world, her friends coming close behind. The man followed behind them, slightly scared at them, but admiring and wanting to help them in any way he could, not believing how he could ever have wanted to harm them. But there was one thing that he still needed to tell them.
The day wasn't up yet, and he knew that Marcus Galbondone would still want to capture them, he'd still be after them. But it was ok, the man would protect them from him, keep them safe, get them back home to their families.

He just needed to find a way to tell the girls and Jasper how they needed to get home.

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