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The following day, after the worst night sleep, the class had to have breakfast. The class made their way down to the kitchens to see what was there. They could see about 35 eggs, 4 loaves of bread, 1 packet of bacon, 2 boxes of cereal, 15 pints of milk and a bowl of fruit. It wasn't much for a class of 30 hungry children and they would have to ration it, but to them, it was the best they could have wished for. The class decided (as it was breakfast) to have a little bit of cereal each with some milk. That also gave them time to work out how to use the massive oven none of them had seen before. "I think it's an agar," commented Lizzie, as they stared at it like a worst enemy.
"Well that's really helpful, thanks!" Said one of the boys sarcastically, "does no one know how to work this stupid thing?" But none of them did.
After eating, they all wondered what to do that day. Then they remembered the previous day, when one boy, Dan, had disappeared. Sophie shuddered at the thought of it and decided to do a head count. "...26, 27, 28, 29, that is everyone." She finished. It felt weird to her, only counting 29 heads and doing it herself rather than a teacher doing it. Suddenly she heard a shout,
"Sophie you counted yourself twice, there is only 28!" She looked around and quickly recounted, panicking immediately. Whoever said it, they were right, only 28 people. That meant that after Dan's disappearance, someone else had gone.
The class sprinted out of the kitchen and started searching the house. Sophie beckoned her friends over and they all went to the attic, as that was where they knew problems had occurred. Sophie was correct to check, as on the little table now, there was another note. It read:
Don't say I didn't warn you! I did you should have left before and now you're stuck here forever! Every day another one of your little friends is going to disappear with me. This is my castle and I will not let you take over.

Sophie looked around at her friends with a terrified look on her face. Every day someone was going and one time it could be her. Se did not know what to do.

A little later on the class were all sitting talking in the lounge. Sophie decided not to tell the others about the note but warned them, "2 of us have already disappeared. The day after the other. One could be going every day and next it could be me, or you. We have to be careful and stick together no matter what. Agreed?" The class murmured and nodded obediently. "Now, let's get some dinner!"

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