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*Two days later*
Sophie POV

I spooned Cheerios into my mouth, a worried expression etched across my face. The following evening I had found myself back at home, collapsing onto my bed, too tired to tell my parents anything. Today, though, I had to tell them everything.

But they won't believe me.

I wouldn't blame them. It's a bit of a far fetched story after all. But I wanted their support. I didn't know what to do. Should I embrace my power or just forget all of this ever happened? I had no idea. How I was going to tell them, I also hadn't worked out. Was it just me or had David once mentioned something about a teacher? Either way, I kind of wanted to know what I could do, but I didn't want my parents to hate me because of it. I really wanted them to accept me, but I wasn't sure they were going to.

A few hours later (I woke up really really early) I was at school. I know what your thinking. Didn't everyone disappear while at the castle? Yep, they did. But Lizzie text me last night saying she heard that everyone was back at school and can't remember anything about it. She also told me that all of the staff at the castle were back and can't remember anything either. Oh well, it's probably better that way.

My teacher smiled at the class and we started English, then maths, then lunch, then science, the PE. Every day at this school was the same, it could get really boring after a while.

When I got home my parents were waiting in the lounge. I sighed, this was it.
"Sophie!" My mum called, "how was your day?"
"Good thanks!" I replied. I dumped my bag in the hallway and made my way into the lounge, slipping my shoes off on the way.
We sat there for a few minutes in an awkward silence before my dad finally spoke.
"Sophie, we know last night you were too tired to talk or explain anything, but we really need to know, for your safety, for the school. We had the police search the house and the whole of Dartmoor looking for you. What happened?"
I took a deep breath in and began,
"Well, as you know we went on the trip and it was amazing, we had so much fun and I absolutely loved it," my mum smiled briefly, "then, on the day we were due to leave, we went outside and all the minibuses had gone. Disappeared. But, so had the teachers. We couldn't find them anywhere. We all went back inside, but, every single one of the castle staff had also disappeared."
My parents' faces were unreadable. I couldn't tell what they were thinking.
"Then, I found a letter in the attic. Written out of blood. I can't remember what it said but it was really scary. So, our class ate food for a few days and hung around at the castle, as we had no way of getting home. Until, one by one, day by day, people in my class kept disappearing. We searched the whole house but couldn't find anything. Then we thought we saw a ghost until we found a projector, microphone and fake blood. It was a trick but we didn't know who by."
Now I could read my parents' faces. Scared, anxious, slightly as if they couldn't believe it.
"Children kept disappearing until it got down to me, Rosa, Lizzie, Eliza, Clara and this boy called Jasper. Then, no one disappeared. Every day, banquets popped up from the tables and brought us food, which was lucky, as we would have starved otherwise..."

I kept talking, explaining. My mother and father's faces got more worried by the sentence. Especially when I got to the part where David kidnapped us.

When I had finished the whole story, the bit about magic and who I was, I paused waiting to see what they would say.

Eventually they spoke,
"Sophie, are you sure this is what happened?" I sighed, it began.
"Yes, and I can prove it." They looked a little shocked by that.

"Prove which bit. The magic? The fact that you're the 'most powerful person in the world'?" Sarcasm. Really? I could've done with the supportive side of my family.
"The fact that I'm magic. I only found out a few days ago, so I've only really ever changed thoughts, but I could try some physical magic instead it it's easier to believe? If you don't believe, I'll just change your opinions on me. Make you believe," but I wouldn't, I didn't want them to be forced into believing in me. I wanted them to do it themselves.

"Ok.... Go on then, what are you going to do?"
I thought for a minute. I knew that physical magic was easier than mental magic which was a start. But, I'd never used it before. My brain clicked, what had I seen people do?
Something was calling. What was it? Oh well, it gave me the idea. Fire. If I could make fire in my hands, surely my parents would think I wasn't lying.

I prepared my mind, getting ready, then twisted my palm to face the ceasing and pushed. Bright flames reaching just above my hands emerged and I through the flame at the floor. Which was a bad idea beachside it set fire to my house. Mental magic now. Slowly, the fire died down until only a spark was left. I stomped on it and repaired the damage slowly.

When I had finished, I looked up at my parents, smiling. They frowned at me.
"What did you do?" My mum asked.
"You didn't do anything," my dad told me. My jaw dropped. How could they not see? How could they not believe?

"What- but- I- how?" I stammered.
"Stop lying, Sophie it's not good for you. Your trapped in a world of fantasy you need to come out of," my dad began murmuring softly to my mum.
"Maybe we should send her to a therapist?"
I was outraged. How could my own parents do this to me?
"At least she has a fabulous imagination," mum muttered to herself. "But yes- she needs help," I decided enough was enough. They didn't understand, they never would.

"RIGHT! That is it! I can't believe you could do this? I know why you can't see the magic! You don't believe! You never have and you never will! Even if I change your thoughts, it won't be real because you still won't be able to see it! If you want me to hide my power and ignore the fact that I AM the most powerful human being in the world, go ahead! I'm leaving!" I screamed and sprinted upstairs ignoring the cries of my parents calling me back. They thought I wouldn't do it. They thought I wouldn't go. Is prove them wrong. I'd find a teacher, a house. Maybe there's even a school of magic. But anyway, I was packing my bags, and leaving.

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