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The next few days Sophie and her friends spent running around the castle, exploring. They were allowed, just not in some places, and provided they didn't break anything. They decided to go down into the cellars. Unfortunately these were not one of the places they were allowed, and Rosa wasn't so sure.
"I don't think we should be doing this!" She said as the sneaked down the cold dark steps leading to the first cellar.
"Come on Rosa! It will be fine, I'm sure." Sophie assured her. She wasn't sure herself but she definitely wasn't going to show her friends that!
They snuck down to the cellar. It was pitch black and there was a horrible, damp musty smell. Sophie flicked on the light of her torch and her friends followed suit, soon they had enough light to see what the cellars really looked like. It was amazing. Beautiful cobwebs were strung everywhere, thick layers of dust on every surface it could find was prove that nobody has been down there for a very, very long time. They kept exploring, deeper and deeper into the pitch black darkness. Suddenly, Sophie heard a noise. A deep moaning crossed with a loud howl. She stopped and looked around.
"What was that?" Her friends asked. None of them knew, but all of them did know that whatever it was, it wasn't someone pranking them. To be perfectly honest, Sophie and her friends were quite scared! Not one of them would admit it though, and they kept going, swiftly scraping  cobwebs out of the way and brushing their cold fingers along the thick layers of dust on the tables and chairs. The cellars themselves they all agreed were worth seeing, but they were glad to finally climb back up the ladders and into the light.
After lunch they decided to go from the bottom of the castle to the top by next exploring the old attics. There were lots and most were hidden so naturally they wanted to explore the hidden ones. Right at the back of the house, in the old servant's quarters, there was a little ring hanging from the ceiling. Sophie pulled it down and dragged a chair over to climb up as there was no ladder. A cloud of dust blew into their faces and they batted it away to turn their torches on and saw the attic. It was a bit like Anne Frank's secret annexe and the girls got really excited. One after the other, they pulled themselves up into the room, trying to avoid the mouldy floorboards which was hard as there were very many. Sophie looked around and saw about the same thickness of dust as the cellar. As she did a sweep around with her eyes, admiring the little room, her attention suddenly turned to a small, rickety table in the very centre of the room. She beckoned her friends and they all creeped towards the table. It was old and brown, very scratched and uneven. A musty smell came off it and Sophie saw an old yellow note in the centre of the brown circle.
"What does it say?" Rosa asked, a little warily. Sophie creeped further towards it, as if it could see or hear her, and picked up the old note. Her mouth turned dry. Was this a joke? When was this written? What will we do? So many questions, made many more by the same groaning sound as the cellar, back again.
"What does it say?" Rosa asked again, this time a lot more hesitantly and scared. Sophie slowly, with a shaking hand, turned the small note around for her friends to see. In the very centre, written in bright red (hopefully not blood but it looked like it) were the words: "Run. While you can. Leave. Strange things happen here. Don't say I didn't warn you, so run."

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