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Sorry I haven't updated in a while! I've been really busy but I hope you like it! Enjoy!

After they had recovered from the shock, the friends began devising a plan to get out of the attic and get Sophie and Jasper back. Lizzie's mind raced and she soon had an option.
"Clara," she whispered, barely audible with the careful breath she took,
"pass me that pole over there." Clara looked behind her and saw a long, copper, hollow pole leaning against the side of the attic.
Lizzie looked around her and was about to ask Clara in annoyance, 'why not?' Before seeing the look on her face, which was just as shocked as she was.
"What was that?" She asked instead.
It was the voice again. They looked around. There was only the four of them in the attic and the ghost.
Oh. The ghost.
I-is t-t-that you?" Rosa asked the ghost in surprise.
"Yes. That is me. I can talk. Get over it." The ghost replied in mock sarcasm. It's voice was blurry and monotonous, and no mouth moved to make the sound.
"Oh and, got to go!" It floated off leaving the four girls standing there in disbelief, Suddenly realising they missed a prime opportunity to ask where Sophie and Jasper had gone.

The ghost wasn't even scary any more, it spoke almost humorously and as if it hadn't kidnapped nearly all of their class and made everything disappear.
But then, maybe it didn't.

Lizzie looked up from where she was staring it the ground and sighed.
"Come on, we have to see if there are any others of those... things." They searched the attic looking everywhere for any sign, but they found nothing until Rosa brushed her hand along an old table and yelped in surprise as her finger tip encountered a sticky substance. She looked down to see a blob of red, gooey, almost gel like liquid spread across the oak wood.
"What is this?" She breathed.
Eliza came to stand behind her and shrugged her shoulders,
"I'm not sure, but if I had to guess, I'd say that what you're touching now, is fake blood."
"It can't be, though, can it?" Lizzie had joined them now as well, "I mean, why would there be fake blood up here?"
The friends sighed and looked at the 'fake blood' for a bit.
"Hey, guys, come over here! Check this out!" Clara called to them. Her voice was muffled and they couldn't see her anywhere.
"Where are you, Clara?" Rosa called.
"Over here! Behind this screen!" She waved at them and they turned around in surprise. They hadn't even noticed that that screen was there.
"What's this?" Clara asked them, pointing to a large, solid object resting on a holder with a circular, almost camera lens, 3D thingy at the front.
"That's a projector!" Lizzie exclaimed. She examined it some more and nodded. "Yep, definitely a projector."
She then turned round a saw something else.
"Hey, I'm pretty sure this attic, and this whole house, are really old," she told her friends.
"Yeah, they are," came the reply.
Lizzie lifted her hand to show her friends what she had found.
"Then what's a microphone doing up here?"
They looked at each other, all seeming to be realising at the same. Rosa stated what the four of them were all thinking,
"It's a trick."

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