A happy ending?

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Sophie shoved a pile of t-shirts into a rucksack, tears streaming down her face. She couldn't believe this was happening. Her own parents didn't believe in magic, they would never be able to see what she was capable of. She loved her parents, but she couldn't live trying to forget that she was the most powerful person in the world.
But Sophie herself was starting to doubt that. Was it really true?

Picking up a phone portable charger (fully charged) and a cable, Sophie reached over to grab her phone. Nokia brick, only for contact. She was only ten after all.
She grabbed her favourite book and a pair of headphones, pulling her bag further open with a force that would tell an alien she was angry.
But her bag was stuck.

Sophie cried out in frustration and let the fresh tears roll down her cheeks. Keep going, Sophie, you have to, she told herself.

Picking up some socks and stuffing them in her bag, Sophie ran downstairs and ripped open the cupboard. She thought rationally, or as close as she could get. Suncream, a hat, a coat, waterproofs. She had no idea how long she would need to be out there. Sophie moaned in frustration, they wouldn't fit in her bag. Her parents ran into the hallway, pleading her to stop and think about what she was doing. But Sophie already knew.

Suddenly, her parents froze. But literally. Just as the small suncream was about to knock and fall onto the floor, it stopped in mid air. Outside the rain stopped falling. Time had stopped. But Sophie hadn't.
An image appeared in front of her, a young woman. But it wasn't an image, she was really there. She leant on the banister, smirking.
"you won't need a rain coat mate," she told Sophie, "you're magic for goodness' sake." Sophie wiped her face with her hand, washing away the tears that had miraculously stopped falling. Gravity was being taken over.

"Who are you?" Sophie sniffed. The girl laughed.
"I'm the Oracle. The seer, the predicter, whatever you want to call me. You have made the right decision. Any one of your paths ended badly, but this one is good. For everyone. Come with me, I know where you want to go, this is the only way you can get there."

"But my friends, my team? They won't leave their families, what will I do without them?" Sophie asked.
"They can come too, and still see their families. So can you if you want to," the Oracle replied.
Sophie slowly shook her head and the Oracle shrugged, "you may change your mind. You got everything?"
"yes," Sophie replied.
"Then come with me," the Oracle stretched their arm and opened their hand to greet Sophie. Sophie slowly lifted her own hand and placed it in the Oracle's. She stepped forwards into the light and suddenly she wasn't standing in her home anymore. Back at the house, the suncream dropped to the floor.
They were back at the castle, or, what looked like the castle anyway.
"This is a replica. What we use as our school of magic. You will study here for as long as you like," the Oracle told Sophie,
"This is the castle from far far away..."

I can't believe it's finished! I really hope you enjoyed this book, I loved writing it for you all! I will be doing an epilogue and maybe some bonus chapters if you like, comment what you want me to do. Some quick questions..

1. Are you glad Sophie left her parents or not?

2. Did you like the story or what could I improve?

3. should I do an epilouge to show Sophie at the School of Magic and some bonus chapters showing her and also her parents or not?

4. Any other ideas?

Thank you so much to everyone for being so lovely and supportive! 210 views last time I checked, can we get it any higher?
Thanks again
Lily xx

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