The Prophecy: Part 1

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*the man's POV*
20 years ago.....
I stared at the outside of the old Dartmoor house and smiled. This was it. I wandered inside and sneaked round the back, so nobody could notice me.
"Happy birthday to me!" I murmured gently. 16 today, not a bad age.
Reaching into my pocket I brought out a small slip of paper, inviting me to the house this day. I didn't know who it was from or if anyone else got sent it, but I wanted to see what it was about. I was most curious about the part that said 'make sure nobody but you knows about this,' and the bit where it said sneak round the back without anyone seeing you.

As I walked into the small room they said to meet, I saw other boys looking around my age, all sat around on chairs in a circle. As I looked closely, I saw that the boys were attached by their hands to the chair, and I suddenly doubted my decision to come. I turned to leave before a man turned me around to face him.
"Don't think about going anywhere, mister. You come to us, you stay with us," he hissed, spitting in my face.
I struggled as much as I could as they tied me down with the rest of them but then gave up, and watched as other boys arrived.

"Finally, everyone is here," the man with the hissy voice said.
"We have you all here for a reason. You all have something in common, do you know what that thing is? Well, you were all born today, and now it is your 16th birthday today. Congratulations, you chose a great time to be born." I had a small feeling he was being sarcastic.
"There is a prophecy. A prophecy that a man born when all of you were born, would be the person to capture The One and Her Team. We're here to find out who that person will be and whether we can trust them to carry out this task. How will you do this? That's for you to work out. Oh- and there will be a big reward. In 10 years the One will be born. In 20 years they will come on a school trip to this very castle. Whoever captures them and brings them to us will get a very big reward. You will do something no one has ever dared to do."
I plucked up the courage to ask a question.
"What's the One's name?"
"Sophie. Their name is Sophie,"

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