=1= How you met

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 *Warning: Mild cursing, and spoilers*

Y/N's POV:

"Come back here you little bitch!" I ignore the voice shouting at me and continue to run making many twists and turns, trying to throw them off. But alas fate was not on my side, suddenly I'm pulled into a nearby alleyway with a hand covering my mouth. I struggle trying to get away.
"Stop struggling you brat. Do you want to get caught?" I hear a voice hiss in my ear.
I freeze but shake my head slowly after a couple of minutes.
"Ok. I'm going to let go now. But don't you dare think of screaming. Got it?"
I nod, and soon I feel the person let go as I turn around to see a boy only a few inches taller than me with tidy black hair and stone gray eyes.
"Don't stare. It's rude." He says crossing his arms making a 'tch' noise, sounding annoyed.
"S-sorry. I-I'm Y/N." I say straightening up, and trying to look calmer than I really was.
"I'm Levi. What did you do, to get involved with the thugs around here?" He asks.
"I was trying to survive." I state with a slight scoff as I too cross my arms, "Just like everyone else, I just messed up a little."
"No kidding." He says rolling his eyes before pushing off from the wall, "Just don't do anything idiotic like that again, or you might not be as lucky."
"You got to take risks in life Levi. I'm just doing what my instincts tell me too." I say as I uncross my arms.
"Well your instincts could get you in trouble." He says sending a glare my way over his shoulder.
"Hey, at least I won't live a boring life." I say with a shrug, "Anyway, I should get going. See you around Levi."
"Tch. Whatever brat. Just be careful." He says before walking away.

Y/N's POV:

"Are you sure. Your parents are ok with me coming over to your house uninvited?" I ask nervously looking around.
"I invited you so your not technically uninvited. Besides, your my friend. They shouldn't mind." Says Eren with a smile.
"I don't know." I say as I stop walking, "You know what. I changed my mind, I'm fine with living on the streets." I say with a smile, "Besides it's not that bad."
Eren turns and looks me in the eye as he walks up to me, "No way. Your not changing your mind now."
"But I just did." I say crossing my arms, "I'm sorry Eren. But I'm not intruding on your family."
"Fine. Hard way it is then." He says huffing before walking towards me.
"Eren what are you doing?" I ask backing away.
"Nothings, making you keep your promise that's all." He says picking me up and throwing me over his shoulder as he starts to walk back in the direction of his house.
"Eren! Stop! Put me down!" I say struggling to get out of his grip.
"Nope. Now stay still, or I might drop you." He says, but I can tell he's joking....at least I hope.
"Why are you so stubborn." I pout as I stop struggling.
"Because I was born that way. Why are you so stubborn?" He asks as his house comes into view.
"Because I can be." I say with a roll of my eyes, "Eren why are you doing this? I just met you."
"Because you looked like you needed a friend, and friends take care of each other. Simple as that." He says with a slight shrug of his shoulders.
"Eren!!!" I hear a femine monotone voice yell as I feel Eren freeze.
"Oh crap!" He says as starts to walk faster.
"Eren? Who was that, and why does she sound like she wants to kill me?" I ask worriedly.
"That's Mikasa. And she's not going to kill you, it's me she's going to kill." He says tightening his grip on me.
"O-ok that makes me feel better." I say uncomfortable.
"Don't worry we're here anyway." He says as he opens the door and walks through, "I'm home!"
"Where were you!? You were supposed to be home an hour ago, do you know how worried we all were!? And who is that on your shoulder!?" I hear a woman's voice ask, I'm guessing she's Eren's Mother.
"This is Y/N. She was being beaten up by her older brother." States Eren simply, "So I said she can live with us."
"Eren you can't just take people away from their families." Says Eren's mom shaking her head.
"But I couldn't just leave her there to be beaten to death." Eren replies his voice slightly rising.
I watch as she sighs before turning to me, "I'm sorry. I was over reactting. Your welcome to stay here, Y/N was it?"
I nod, "Yes, ma'am. I'm sorry to intrude on your family like this. If it's a bother I can always leave." I says looking down at my feet awkwardly.
"No, it's fine dear. Your welcome to stay, it's not a problem. I just wish I had more of a heads up." She says smiling at me.
I nod, "Thank you again."

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