=Bertholdt= Friend Request

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Letting out a sigh I flip the open sign to closed on my bakery's door. Letting out a yawn I walk over to the counter and empty the jar of tips into my hand. A loonie is the only thing that falls out however and I sigh. Rough day for tips. Looking up I notice the grand fountain in front of the store. Taking a deep breath I wrap my fingers around the coin and walk out of the shop towards the fountain. Stopping at the edge I look down at the loonie and scrunch my eyes shut wishing with all my heart on something I've been waiting for so long.

"I wish that I could find a love like Savanah and Vienna." I whisper quietly to myself before I open my eyes and toss the loonie into the fountain. Standing there for a few moments I let out a sigh. I knew wishing was childish, but at this point in life I really needed something good to happen to me. Turning around I make my way back over to my shop to finish closing. That's when I notice something out of the corner of my eye. A glowing red string. Gasping I feel my heart race as I turn around to see a trail of red string floating in the direction I had just came from. This could only mean one thing. My soulmate was near! Completely forgetting about my shop I take off running to follow the string.


Gasping I let out a groan as I find that I've landed hard on my rear. Shaking my head free I look up to see a tall man with tan skin, black shaggy hair and the most beautiful hazel eyes I've ever seen. That's when I notice that the red string I had been chasing after is tied to his left hand's ring finger. Eternal soulmates!

"I-I'm so terribly sorry! A-are you a-alright m-miss?" oh my goodness, his voice made my heart melt as I barely managed to nod in response. He holds out his hand as I take it feeling my heart flutter when a current of electricity runs up my arm before spreading to the rest of my body. He quickly helps me to my feet, but I somehow manage to stumble into his chest as he wraps his arms around me to balance me. Looking up from his rather muscular chest I see him blushing wildly as sweat starts to crawl down his temple. Quickly recovering I pull myself away as I awkwardly smile up at him.

"So um...thanks...?"

"B-Bertholdt. Bertholdt H-Hoover." he says reaching a hand out and I shake it in greeting, or at least try to as he bends down and brings it to his lips before pressing a speedy kiss to my knuckles.

"N-nice to meet you Bertholdt. I-I'm Susy." I smile a warm blush across my face to match his as he smiles softly at me. I can't believe he's my soulmate. He seems so sweet!

"I-I don't mean to s-sound rude but um, maybe y-you'd like to get coffee sometime?" he asks scratching the back of his neck as his blush darkens. Nodding I feel my smile widen.

"Of course!" I say before taking out my notebook and pen before scribbling my number on it. "Here's my number."

"T-thanks." he says visibly relaxing as I nod, looking down at my watch.

"I'm late! I'm sorry Bertholdt but I promised some friends of mine that I'd meet them somewhere. So I suppose I'll see you soon." I say before running off to my shop I needed to hurry.

"A-alright." is all I hear as I smile. I'd finally found my soulmate, and boy was he worth waiting for.  


This is for a good friend of mine. Hope you enjoy it. :)

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