=Levi= Friend Request (1)

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It's been almost four years since the world's gone to hell, and in that time I've lost so many friends, and all my family. My family was the first to die, though they were prepared...the virus was the first to hit older folk. The next to die were my great friends Susy and Savanah, they got too reckless. And then there's Norge, who I only just recently lost. She died when we split up to look for supplies, bad idea, but there's nothing I can do now except continue surviving in this hell hole. Now I'm all alone. Nowhere really to go, and no one to survive with.

This life sucked. Cursing I punch a nearby empty car, and jump back when a zombie lunges at the window, thudding into the barrier before falling backwards and onto the car seat. Holding my racing heart I move my hair from my face while breathing heavily. Thank god I didn't scream, if I did I don't know if I'd be able to live. I was currently trying to find more ammo for my shotgun, if not that than any form of weapon since my old knife broke I was currently defenceless. I needed to be more cautious from now on.


Throwing a few cans of vegetables and soup into my backpack I quickly move onto the medicine aisle where I'm relieved to find one lone bottle of advil sitting there on the shelf. But once I get closer I notice something off. The whole shelf was caked in dust and spider webs, while the bottle was untouched by any speck of any kind. Frowning I shrug it off before grabbing it and throwing it into my bag. Now to search for a weapon.


Freezing I tense as I hear groans and shuffling of feet. Zombies, and from the sound of it. Lots of them. Mentally slapping myself in the face I look around the corner to see at least five zombies making their way towards me. Shit! This is perfect just fucking perfect! Calming myself I make sure my backpack is well on my shoulders before I slowly start to sneak my way down the other side of the aisles. Hopefully I'd be able to make it at least past them before they saw or smelt me.

Slowly I walk past them, slightly relaxing as I continue to move towards the door when I hear a groan from behind me. Looking over my shoulder I see a zombie gazing at me with its dead glazed over eyes. Limping towards me it raises its arms towards me it's mouth opening to reveal a mouth full of rotting yellow teeth stained with blood an bits of flesh. Shuddering I take a deep breath before I take off running. I hear the shuffling of feet start to speed up into make-shift running as I look behind me to see all five zombies scrambling towards me. Directing my focus back towards the doors I gasp as I trip over my own feet.

Crashing into the ground with a thud I groan before pushing myself to stand only to find I've somehow broken my ankle. Clenching my teeth I look up to see that the zombies have gotten a lot closer. Damn it! This can't be how I die! This was not how I thought I'd die. Closing my eyes I try to think of something to take my mind off of my approaching death.

Bang! Bang!

Blinking my eyes open at the sound of gunshots I look to see a short man in front of me with black hair styled in an undercut as he efficiently kills off all the zombies before I can even register what's happening.

"Tch, you need to pay more fucking attention to your surroundings brat." his deep voice snaps and I find my heart begin to race as his steel blue eyes lock with mine. He was cute, no he was fucking hot! Like I mean fucking god hot! "Get to your fucking feet. We don't have all day." blushing from embarrassment I quickly stand to my feet only to remember that I'd broken my ankle as I fall back towards the ground. I'm surprised however when I'm caught by the man as he lets out another 'tch' before he picks me up bridal style. Feeling my entire face turn red from embarrassment I look up to see he's looking down at me a small smirk on his face before it turns back into a frown as he directs his attention away from mine. "Tch, what's your name brat?"

"A-alex." cursing at myself for stuttering I'm finally able to tear my gaze away

from his body. Damn, why'd this guy have to be so fucking attractive!?


It's been almost three months since I've met Levi and in that time we've grown extremely close, probably due to the fact that our personalities were somewhat similar. I'd say we're very close friends, but that friendship barrier made me so angry. Over the course of those months, I've found him not only attractive, but fascinating as well.

"But he probably isn't even into guys." I grumble to myself in frustration.

"Who isn't?" I hear Levi's familiar voice state from behind me as I turn around to see him leaning against the doorway.

"No one! I was just talking to myself." I chuckle nervously scratching the back of my neck. "So uh-"

"Tch. I don't like being lied to brat." he says his eyes locking with mine and the next thing I know I'm pinned up against the wall. "Especially since you're such a fucking lousy liar." blushing at our position I open my mouth to say something, only to close it when I can't think of anything. "So tell me what you were thinking, or else I'll have to force it out of that little mouth of yours." he growls into my ear.


"Tch. Too slow brat." he growls lowly in his throat before his head sinks down to my neck as I gasp when his tongue darted out to lick. Shivering I feel my blush darken when he bites down, sucking on my skin, making sure to leave a hickey. "Now I'll give you another chance. What were you thinking."

"I-I w-was thinking h-how you a-aren't into guys." I mumble quietly under my breath.

"Tch. Now who the fuck decided that?" he questions lifting his head from my neck to stare me in the eyes.

"I-I just assum-"

"Well you're fucking wrong." he chuckles pressing a quick kiss to my lips. "You interest me Alex. Maybe it's the fact that you don't take shit from me. Or maybe it's just how damn attractive you are, but somehow along the way I've found myself falling for you."

"L-levi...I love you too." I blurt out before I can stop myself as his frown twists into a smirk.

"I know. Which is why I have to do this." before I can ask what he means I feel a sharp pain in my neck before a sudden wave of drowsiness washes over me and I crumple into his arms as I black out.


Groaning I slowly blink my eyes open, a wave of sleepiness hovering over my body as I push myself to sit up only to hear the sound of metal against stone. Confused I look down to see that a chain is linked around my ankle, stopping me from moving too far.

"Tch. Finally awake I see." I hear a familiar voice say, unusually gentle as I look up to see Levi walk into the small stone cellar.

"Levi? What the hell is going on? And why am I fucking chained up?" I ask tugging at the chain around my leg.

"Just a precaution is all." he states walking over to the bed before setting down a tray with a can of baked beans and some stale bread.

"Precaution?! What the hell is going on!?" I can feel anger start to rise in my voice as I glare at him. "Did you do this to me!?"

"Tch. Calm the fuck down." he snaps giving me the coldest look I've ever seen

as I flinch breaking my gaze with him. "I'm doing this for your own good, and because I fucking love you brat. You should be grateful."

"Grateful?" I scoff, "I should be grateful that you've chained me up in the middle of a zombie apocalypse in a cellar!? You fucking crazy."

"You're wearing my patience." he growls out grabbing my face. "And I suggest

you calm that temper of yours before I do something we'll both regret." closing my mouth I muster up all my energy and glare at him. "There we go. Now eat your dinner." with that he stands up and walks to the door, before looking over his shoulder. "You'll need that energy for later."    


This is for a very good friend of mine named Malfoy, well not actually that's just my nickname for him. Anyway hope you enjoyed reading it. :)

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