=Reiner= 1 Request

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Sam's POV:

"Would Samantha Smith please report to the main office. Would Samantha Smith please report to the main office. Thank you." I sigh as I hear the click end signal that the message was over as I get up nodding to my first-period French teacher, Levi Ackerman as he nods before turning back to the classroom. 

"Oi, brats! Why the f*ck aren't you working?" He shouts as I roll my deep blue eyes as I make my way to the main office.


"You wanted to see me, father?" I ask as I open the door to the principle's office to see my father, Erwin Smith, seated at his desk as he looks up from a folder. I also notice a rather tall and buff boy with short blonde hair and tan skin seated in front of my father. My father simply nods as he gestures for me to take a seat next to the boy.

"Reiner this is my daughter Samantha." he nods to me as I give the boy a small smile as he smirks glancing at me up and down causing me to flush slightly. "Samantha this is Reiner, he's a German exchange student. We're also his host-family. So I would like for you to show him around the school and to his classes since most are the same as yours." Blinking a while it takes a few seconds to sink in before I feel my eyes widen. Since when did we volunteer to be a host family! And why wasn't I told earlier!? "Samantha?" Snapping out of it I direct my attention to the current situation and I nod slowly. "Good, then you are dismissed. I'll meet the both of you in the main office at the end of the day." With that I stand up exiting the room, still trying to process the recent events.

"So uh Samantha, what classes do you have?" I hear Reiner ask me as he walks beside me. "Well first I have French with Mr. Ackerman, then I have Ms. Zoe for Science, third-period lunch, gym class with Mr. Shadis, and art class with Ms. Ral. How about you?" I ask as we continue to walk out of the main office.

"Exactly the same schedule." Reiner states handing me his schedule, and true to his words it matches with all of my classes. This was father's doing I just know it. 

"That's great, now we'll have time to get to know each other." I smile half-heartedly at him as he just smiles down on me. "So you're from Germany huh?"

"Yep. To be honest, I'm kind of excited to be going to an American school though." he says and I look at him confused.

"How come?" I ask as he flushes slightly looking away.

"Promise you won't laugh?" he asks and I nod. "Well, I've always wanted to play American football." 

"You don't have football back in Germany?" I ask confused and shocked as he just laughs.

"Of course we have football in Germany, it's just football there would be called soccer here. It's just I've always wanted to play American football in America, no one is really fanatic about it back in Germany." he shrugs as I smile.

"Well my father used to be on the football team. He would love to show you the ropes, he's always trying to get me to play with him. But I'm not a big fan of the sport myself." I chuckle as we reach the French room. "Anyway, we should probably go in. Mr. Ackerman hates it when students stand outside of the door."


"So what'd you think of your first day?" Erwin asks as we walk out of the school, the parking lot is already empty, but it usually is by the time father finally decides to leave.

"It was good. It was very interesting, though kind of confusing for homeroom." He says. "I've never been really good at other languages, I was lucky enough to speak both English and German fluently in my house."

"Well, I'm glad you like it. Now, tonight Mia is making some of her famous deep-dish." Erwin says and I can already smell mom's awesome cooking.


It's already been two weeks since Reiner's been with us, and recently I've started to get feelings for him. Romantic ones. And the fact that he'll be living in the same house for six months won't help either.

"So Samantha, are you going to the party at Jean's this weekend?" I hear my best friend, Sasha asks as I turn to her in surprise.

"I'm not sure. But you're going?" I ask in surprise.

"Duh! There'll be food there! Lots....and lots of food...." she drools and I lean away from her.

"You're disgusting." I roll my eyes. "Anyway maybe, I'm not sure. I think we're having family day this Saturday."

"Family day? Who does that these days?" she asks wiping her saliva away.

"Uh, my family." I say rolling my eyes. "Father thinks it's a good way to strengthen our relationship."

"Well alright. Anyway, are you going to eat that?"


"I can't believe we're doing this." I mutter as Reiner just shushes me.

"Well, the more you talk the more likely we'll be caught." he replies before closing the window. "Alright, let's go." with that he and I run off to Jean's house, which is only a few blocks away from my house.


It's almost midnight and everyone here is either dead drunk or tipsy. Including myself, it's not like I wanted to get intoxicated. Jean was stupid enough to put alcohol in the punch, as cliche as it sounds.

"Alright! Spin the bottle!" Connie exclaims holding an empty beer bottle in the air as if it were a trophy. I giggle at this and I rush to get a seat in the circle, I was feeling lucky. "You all know the rules, you spin the bottle you kiss them. Alright, let's start."

"I volunteer to go first, it is my party after all." Jean states before spinning the bottle. It spins around a few times before landing on a classmate of mine, that I can't remember her name for the life of me. Jean just smirks with that stupid horse face of his and sloppily kisses the girl, much to her obvious distress.

It's been almost a half an hour and I still haven't gone. I groan and am about to leave when I hear people start to whisper. And when I look to see what they're talking about I find that Reiner is right in front of my face, drunk off his arse and smirking like an idiot. Before I can ask him what he's doing he has me lip locked in a passionate kiss. I can taste the beer on his tongue as I kiss back. When we pull away he smiles at me.

"Be my girlfriend?" he asks and I nod before pulling him into another kiss.


This was a very, very late request for @Samanthasmith03. I hope you enjoyed it, and am once again sorry for the lateness of this.

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