=7= Hogwart Information

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Him: Slytherin
Blood-type: Pure-blood
Animagus: Black cat with a cravat-like white mark on his chest and round his neck
Favourite class: Defense against the Dark arts
Quidditch: Slytherin Seeker
Favourite place: Dark forest
You: Ravenclaw
Blood-type: Pure-blood
Animagus: Silver tabby with green eyes and tick in right ear
Favourite class: Transfiguration
Quidditch: Ravenclaw Beater
Favourite place: Library
Him: Gryffindor
Blood-type: Half-blood
Animagus: German shepherd with blue eyes
Favourite class: Flying
Quidditch: Gryffindor Seeker
Favourite place: Quidditch field
You: Gryffindor
Blood-type: Pure-blood
Animagus: Red fox with golden left eye, E/c right eye.
Favourite class: Magical creatures
Quidditch: Gryffindor Keeper
Favourite place: Great hall
Him: Hufflepuff
Blood-type: Muggle-born
Animagus: Tawny owl with blue eyes
Favourite class: Herbology
Quidditch: He doesn't play
Favourite place: Library
You: Hufflepuff
Blood-type: Half-blood
Animagus: Brown mouse with e/c eyes and ring of white around your neck
Favourite class: Charms
Quidditch: You don't play
Favourite place: Library
Him: Gryffindor
Blood-type: Pure-blood
Animagus: brown quarter horse with golden eyes and a two toned mane
Favourite class: Flying
Quidditch: Gryffindor Chaser
Favourite place: Hogsmead, Three Broomsticks
You: Ravenclaw
Blood-type: Muggle-born
Animagus: Falcon with e/c eyes and white star marking under left wing
Favourite class: History of Magic
Quidditch: You don't play
Favourite place: Hogsmead, Honeydukes
Him: Slytherin
Blood-type: Pure-blood
Animagus: Brown bear with green eyes
Favourite class: Magical creatures
Quidditch: Slytherin Keeper
Favourite place: Hagrids hut
You: Hufflepuff
Blood-type: Muggle-born
Animagus: brown and grey rabbit with pink nose and e/c eyes
Favourite class: Magical creatures
Quidditch: Hufflepuff Chaser
Favourite place: Hagrids hut

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