=Eren= 3 Request

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Katia's POV:

"Hey guys! Wait up!" I call as I rush to catch up with my three best friends. Once I've reached them I take deep breaths as I struggle to catch my breath. "Did you hear about Jean's party?"

"Horse face is throwing a party? Must be lame then." Eren scoffs crossing his arms over his chest as Mikasa just rolls her eyes. Armin, however, is too absorbed in his book to even notice that they've stopped walking and he almost runs into a tree. If it weren't for Mikasa pulling him out of the way in time. 

Jean just rolls his eyes, "Well not this party. It's going to be the best." I almost have a heart attack as Jean appears out of nowhere and I jump slightly, which earns a smirk from Jean.

"What's so special about it. Inviting all your horse relatives?" Eren smirks with a laugh.

"Watch it Jaeger. I might change my mind about inviting you." Jean snaps, "Anyway the usual; food, drinks, games, and a surprise."He proudly states straightening his posture, his chest puffed out slightly.

"Wait you mean alcohol?" Armin gasps, his blue eyes widening in surprise.

"Damn, you just had to spoil it didn't you. Anyway yea, there's going to be alcohol." Jean smirks as everyone gapes at him in surprise.

"B-but where'd you get alcohol? That's expensive!" Armin nervously stutters out, looking up from his book.

"Tell me about it. Anyway I didn't buy it, I'm not a rich bastard from Sina. I stole it from some Military Police, they were smuggling it into Wall Rose the other day. Got a crap ton of it too." He scoffs, downing his water.

"You could've gotten into serious trouble for that!" Armin states jumping to his feet.

"For what? Stealing some of the smuggled illegal alcohol from the Military Police, they weren't even supposed to even be doing it in the first place." Jean rolls his eyes, "So chill. You'd all better be coming anyway, I don't want it to go to waste."  

"Yea whatever. We'll be there horse-face. Now go away, you're face is making me loose my appetite." Eren says and Jean just glares at him before turning to face me.

"You'd better be there." He says with a wink before walking away as I make a face of disgust. I'll only go to the party if Eren goes. I think before digging into my breakfast.

-Later at the Party-

"Katia!" I hear a familiar male voice call as I turn around quickly just in time for Eren to trip and fall right onto me. Sending us both onto the floor. My head spins as I try to regain control of my body, but it's currently buzzing and I feel like I'm in a dream. "You should've heard what I did to  horse face!" He goofily says a drunk grin on his face, as I start to see double.  

"What'd you do?" I ask shaking my head to fix the double images.

"I-" Eren suddenly stops seeming rather confused, "Actually I can't remember what I did to him. I'm tired." He mumbles before he collapses on me, and I know he's knocked out cold.

"Mikasa! Help me! The titan's got me!" I cry as I look at Eren, suddenly seeing a titan's jaws open, ready to consume me. I frantically try to scramble away as I feel my heartbeat pick up.

"Katia, calm down! It's not a titan. It's just Eren." She says stroking my hair, but I shove her hand away. "You work with the titans too! How could you! I trusted-" I'm suddenly interrupted with a large yawn before I feel my eyes start to close, "You."  

-After the Party-

Knock! Knock! Knock!

"Katia, you awake yet?" I hear Mikasa's voice echo through my throbbing head. I just let out a groan, tugging the covers over my head. Why did the sun have to rise! "I'm coming in." The door creaks open and I flinch covering my ears.

"Ugh... what the hell happened last night?" I groan out, massaging my temples from under the blankets, "All I remember is the party last night."

"Figures. You were drunk off your ass last night." She chuckles.

I just groan, "What'd I do? Anything humiliating?" I ask, hoping that it wouldn't be anything too bad.

"Oh, not much from what I saw. You came up to me and offered me a beer. Then Eren tackled you to the ground and made out with you." She shrugs casually.

Suddenly I feel my heart race, and my face heat up. "W-what!?" I screech, before clutching my head. I hear Mikasa scoff and I know she's just kidding, or at least I hope.

"Just kidding. But he did tackle you, and pass out. You screamed at him, calling him a titan." She smiles pulling the covers back so that I'm exposed to the sun. I hiss and draw back covering my eyes.

"It burns us!" I hiss in my best gollum like voice.

"Oh, hush. You're fine. Now come on you can't just stay in bed all day." Mikasa says getting up off the bed, walking to the door before pausing. "Oh, and Eren is looking for you. Said he want's to talk about something important."

I just sigh, "Alright. I'll be up soon." I groan once again as I hear Mikasa close the door behind her.


"Hey Katia! Wait up!" I hear Eren's voice call behind me. I stop walking and turn around smiling at him. "Yea? What's up Eren?"

He slows down once he reaches my side with a few deep breaths, "I wanted to talk to you about something." He says before straightening once he's caught his breath.

"Alright what is it?" I ask curiously, glad that my hangover had faded to a dull throbbing.

"Well it's about last night. I don't remember what happened, but I heard from Armin and Mikasa about it." Eren laughs quietly shaking his head. "Anyway what I wanted to talk to you about is actually quite serious." His face turns rather serious in a matter of seconds.

"Alright. I'm listening." I say giving him a quick nod of my head.

"Well, recently....I've," He sighs sounding slightly frustrated. "Well, I've developed some....feelings for you." He holds his breath, freezing in the current position he's in.

I feel my heart flutter, and I blush slightly. "Y-you have?" I ask, feeling a feeling of happiness start to bubble up inside me.

Eren just nods. "I know we've been friends for a long time, and you might not think of me the same. But I was wondering if you'd maybe want to go on a date sometime?" He asks a faint blush on his face as he looks down at his feet.

I smile before nodding, "Yes. Sure that sounds fun." I say. He looks up at me, smiling.

"I'm glad." He says, "So um...do you want to go get something to eat? Or maybe we could go into town for something. I don't have a lot of money, but I know this place we could go get something to eat."

"Sure." I smile before linking my arm with his, "Lead the way." He just nods before we start to walk towards his tied up horse. It's as if he knew I'd say yes. 


So sorry for the late update. This request was for @Bratzgirl23. I hope you liked it and sorry again for the lateness.

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