-=Punk Levi x Wolf Reader : 2=-

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"Tch. Here's your locker." He grunts before crossing his arms. "Try not to dirty it."

"Sure, whatever." I say, as I hear him walk away. I let out a sigh before I feel a slight cough come from behind me. I turn around to see three girls standing there.

"So new girl huh?" A girl with ginger shoulder length hair and big Amber eyes smiles at me. "I'm Petra." Her clothing -if it could even be called that- was a short pink skirt and a white tank that hung quite low. Making me wrinkle my nose in disgust. "I just wanted you to know that if you needed anyway then come to us kay?"

I just sigh inwardly, not really wanting to get involved with this kind of people. "I'll keep that in mind." I say adjusting my my backpack on my shoulder. I see her smile faulted but she quickly regains it.

"Alright well. See you later." She waves as she walks away, towards a girl with red shirt messy hair in two pigtails. Petra quickly sweeps her foot out tripping the girl as she continues to walk laughing all the while. I clench my hand into a fist as I walk over to the red head, picking up a book handing it to her. But not before catching the title, Werewolf Myths and Folklore. My eyes widen as the book is snatched from my hand.

"Mind your own business would you." She grumbles picking up the rest of her stuff. I mutter a sorry before standing up, stretching out a hand she looks at it hesitantly before taking it as I help her to her feet. "Uh, thanks..." She trails off pulling her bag into her shoulder.

"Y/n L/n." I smile at her. "And you are?"

"Isabel Magnolia." She smiles, "And thanks again for helping me."

"No problem." I say as I cough awkwardly into my hand. "So uh, I guess I'll see you around Isabel."

"Yea, see you later!" She says as we both go our separate ways. Maybe it won't be so bad this time.

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