-=Punk Levi x Wolf Reader : 3=-

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"Sir you can't just barge in when class is in session!" the principle fumes as a group of men burst through the doors. Hunters, pulling my hood over my head I quickly rest my head on my desk. The men walk to the class before the leader, Fred Jones, dressed in ripped jeans, and dirty plaid before he clears his throat. 

"Does anyone in here know a girl of the name Y/n L/n?" he calls, his eyes glaring at the students as they all turn to face my  desk. Well, cover's blown. Standing up I pull the hood off, meeting Fred's hatred filled gaze.

"Long time no see, huh, Fred?" I smirk watching as his men move to surround me, blocking off all exits. "Didn't think I'd see you again, you know after that 'wolf' attack." I watch as he clenches his fists.

"You b*tch!" He snaps pulling out a gun as I narrow my eyes at him. A crazed smile creeps onto his face as I hear the sound of the safety being taken off. "We all know that what happened is your fault!"

"Are you really going to do this in a school? You could easily get sent to jail for firing that gun." I state, trying my hardest to keep my cool.

"I'd be a hero for getting rid of a monster like you!" He snarls spitting down. "Now you're gonna come with me quietly or I won't hesitate to pull this trigger." I hear Murmuring of voices sound as I let out a sigh.

"Fine. But put the gun away, you're making more of a scene that needs to be." I say walking from my desk so that I'm a few feet away from the man in front of me. He smirks down at me before roughly turning me around and binding my hands behind my back tightly with a coarse rope. Yanking me by my hair I growl lowly at him, earning a scoff on his behalf. Looking around I see frightened and confused looks from the students as well as trembling teachers in the back of the classroom. All except one that is. Isabel Magnolia, sits there as our gazes lock. Eyes widening she jumps to her feet, but it goes unnoticed as I'm shoved out of the classroom. Away from any secure authority and to the mercy of the Hunter in front of me.


This is the third part, I hope you like it. I was also thinking of changing the perspective for oneshot's after I finish this, but we'll see. Anyway that's it for now.

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