=Eren= 1 Request

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Katie's POV:

"Is this actually happening?" I mutter, still in shock. My heart soared with pride and excitement.

Had we actually defeated all the titans?

"Katie!" I hear a familiar voice that sent my heart a racing.

I smile and turn to face him, "Yes Eren?" I ask, my voice overwhelmed with joy.

"They're about to let the third group out." Eren says as he walks to be by my side, "It's finally over."

"Yea." I breathlessly state.

The atmosphere is surrounded in peaceful silence as we both sit on the edge of the wall, watching the people walk outside of the walls and into the world. Children and adults all in awe of how vast the land before them was.

"Katie?" I hear Eren quietly ask.

"Hmm?" I hum not looking away from the smiling crowd.

"What will you  do now?" He asks.

I turn to him, my eyebrows furrowing over my brown eyes, "I haven't thought about it." I say which surprises myself.

Eren nods before taking a deep breath and turning to face me, "I know this might be all of a sudden, but I don't know any other way to put it." He says, a nervous glint in his eye.

"What do you mean?" I ask tilting my head to the side slightly in confusion. 

"Well, I know we're best friends, and that's great and all..." Eren takes a moment to awkwardly cough into his fist, "But I was wondering if maybe you'd want to be more."

I'm shocked by his confession, and it takes a few moments to sink in before a smile finds its way onto my face, "What are you asking?" I ask teasingly.

"W-well, I would like it if I could be your boyfriend." Eren mumbles out scratching the back of his neck, blushing.

I let out a small laugh, "I know. And I'd be more than happy to be your girlfriend." I state with a small blush of my own.

Eren lets out a breath and smiles, "Then could I kiss you?" He asks sounding somewhat hopeful.

I nod and lean forwards, as Eren does the same. Our lips met in a sweet and gentle kiss.

We continue to kiss for a few minutes before I break the kiss just enough so I can speak, "Eren. Do you love me?" I breath out.

"Yes. With all my heart." he says taking a hand and raising it so that it's caressing the side of my slightly freckled face, "I love your freckles, your beautiful brown hair. Your amazing brown eyes. Every little thing about you. Even your flaws." 

It takes quite some effort to keep from letting tears of joy spill from my eyes and I rest my forehead against his staring into his eyes.

"I love you too Eren." I state happily, "I love the way your so determined, loyal and yet still so kind and caring. And I especially love your eyes."

Eren smiles stifling a small chuckle, "Do you want to know the one thing I don't like about you?" He says his face turning serious.

I feel a slight pain in my heart and hesitate before nodding, holding my breath all the while.

"It's your last name." He says running his fingers through my shoulder length hair, "How would you like it if I could make it Jaeger?"

I feel my heart skip a beat, "A-are you asking me to marry you?" I ask hopefully.

"I wouldn't have it any other way. So will you Katie. Even if we just started to date?" He asks now sounding somewhat nervous again.

I nod and tackle him in a hug, careful to keep away from the edge of the wall, "Yes! Of course!" I laugh nuzzling into the crook of his neck.

"I'm glad." He says wrapping his arms around me and burying his face into my hair, "I love you Katie. More than you'll ever know."


This was a request for my friend @TwoFacedAbby . I hope you liked it! Requests are still open by the way.

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