=Jean= 1 Request

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Jacey's POV:

"No, I can't...this is impossible." I mutter burying my face in my hands as Hanji gently rubs circles into my back.

"Sorry kiddo, but you did the deed without protection therefore it's a hundred percent possible, well that's not true but I'll spare you the little details." she chuckles as I half glare at her before I sigh.

"I should've just joined the garrison, then this wouldn't have happened." I groan out in frustration as I glance once again back down at the little 'experiment' Hanji's created saying that it's almost accurate every time. Shaking my head I run a hand through my brown locks.

"You know you're going to have to tell him. He is the father after all." Hanji says as I slowly nod.

"I know...doesn't make it any less harder though." I sigh and she nods.

"I understand, well no I don't but you know what I mean." she gives me a sympathetic smile before standing up. "I hate to leave you like this, but I have to finish filling out paperwork Captain shorty gave to me." she waves one last time before jogging off, leaving me in my thoughts as to how I would tell Jean the news.


Gathering up all my courage I force myself to not think about the outcome as I walk over to Jean.

"J-Jean. W-we need to talk." I manage to stutter out as Jean's laughing slows to a stop before raising an eyebrow at me.

"Alright, let's go somewhere private then." he says as I nod. We make our way out of the mess hall and to the secluded training grounds as he stops turning to face me. "So what's up?"

"W-well, I uh, god I can't do this..." I groan quietly as I feel my mouth go as dry as if someone had shoved a handful of sand in my mouth. "I...I-I'm pregnant." I clench my hands into fists as I feel my heart race, I had said it. I had actually-

"Y-you're what?!" I hear him ask his voice rising as I start to panic.

"J-Jean p-please, calm down. I-"

"Calm down? Calm down!? No, I will not calm down! How...how did this happen!?" his face twists into one of anger as he walks over to the nearest thing, which just so happened to be a tree, before punching it. "Shit....shit, shit shit!" I feel tears well up in my eyes at his reaction. He was scaring me.

"I-I'm s-sorry." I whimper out looking down at the ground as I feel the tears start to fall. "I...I didn't m-mean to." I clench my eyes shut tight as quiet sobs wrack through my body. He'd never accept my feelings for him now, not that I'd seen his reaction.

"Shit, hey I...look I didn't mean to make you cry. I just, how....ugh this is so...so I can't even describe it." he sighs out frustrated as he lifts my head wiping the tears from my hazel eyes. "I know it wasn't you're fault. We're both at fault here. I shouldn't have reacted that way, it's just...I never thought this'd happen to me. We're in the Survey Corps Jacey, raising a kid into this world knowing the fact that both of us or at least one of us will die just makes me so mad. I, I think I like you and not just in a friendship way. So if you really want to try to make this work, then...who am I to say no." he says his gaze softening as I feel my heart flutter slightly. Throwing my arms around his neck I sob happily into his shoulder.

"T-thank you so much. I-I like you too Jean." I choke out through my sobs as he wraps his arms around me rubbing my back up and down.

"H-hey don't you go crying on me again!" he panics as I pull away wiping the tears away with a small laugh.

"I-I'm just so happy. I thought you'd hate me." I admit meeting his gaze with mine.

"Of course I could never hate the woman who's carrying my child." he scoffs rolling his eyes. "Besides I can't just leave you alone like this." smiling I give him another hug.

"Thanks Jean, for understanding." I say quietly into his chest as I close my eyes. Maybe, we'd be able to find a way to make this work. I can only hope as I decide to live in the moment.


This is for JaceyNeedsABetterUsername. So sorry this is late! I've been extremely sick lately and school has been a pain! Anyway, hope you enjoyed it. I tried my best since I've never written for Jean in a one shot before.

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