Chapter 1

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"They hate me"
"I don't hate you"
"But you agree they hate me"
"Exactly! I don't fit in here and everyone knows it!"
"Maybe your special!"1
"Silver tell me one way I'm special."
She pondered hard. Why did she bother, it's not like she was going to find. People fear what they don't understand.
She sighed.
" Shiver there's a place, a thing or a person out there who understands you and will guid you but you can't find it if you don't hope, try and learn."
A long silence followed after that, the only thing heard was the arctic wind playing with our hair and whispering words into my soul. I understood what they were saying that's what makes me different and people don't understand how. They assume I'm a bad omen because I was bought by a dark warrior who threatened the village that if they went against me they'd pay. I'm meant to rule the universes they say but how do I if people don't trust me. If I don't trust myself.
A bird swooped down onto a branch next to us. It's black pair of wings had a streak of white. It's dusk feathers shimmered in the moon rising light just to be scared of by a deafeningly ugly voice.
"Tanchycineta, Xiuhcoatl get down from there!" Susana's squash face called our stupid given names. The village elder names every child in their tribe by looking at the child's future and if this is true than I might as well be killed . Xiuhcoatl- Weapon of destruction. Tanchycineta wasn't bad name though, it was a beautiful bird. The problem was that birds weren't smiled at in the tribe. They were too free apparently. They were in danger of going the wrong way but the tribe seemed to ignore the part that they were free to have a chance to go the right way. At least she wasn't destined to destroy everything.

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