Chapter 4

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"We're going on a long adventure..."
"We could get hurt"
"We... Could die"
"Maybe" I sighed, the girl was mad. She was so into getting ready she had no idea what she was getting us into
"How am I meant to tell my parents that!" She finally looked up from her packing.
"Um... That could be a problem."
We pondered for a few seconds
"You could say that your fed up living in this village and you want to move on"
"Yeah but..."
She sat down in front of me and putting on solemn face
"You don't want to leave do you" no I really didn't but I didn't want to stay either.
"Well... I do... But I don't want to leave my parents... Or get hurt... Or die." She sighed. I guess it was hard for her to understand, she grew up without a love of a mother, father or any family member. Apart from me everyone around her hated her, I guess she wanted a new start.
   I noticed how quiet the room had become. I put on a smile to cheer Shiver up. "Where do you you think your going,"
Oh dear our lives had just got worse (yes that was possible)
"Far away from you as possible Lilac" Shiver smirked.
"Well I wonder what mother will think of that!" She spat. She than walked out the door in what she thought was a pretty manner. Argh not Susana please don't tell your mother Susana. One thing to do.   
"We're leaving." I stood up I had enough of this.
"What! You said that you didn't want to go and what about your parents!"
"We're gonna have to tell them then won't we!" I smiled and marched out the room.


"Tachicineta your only twelve!" My parents were taking this well.
" But mother, father look at me I can't stay here! I can't grow up like this! I need to find a better life and this better life isn't going to be found in this village," they sighed, they agreed with everything I said but how could one let go of there only daughter. My father took a deep breath and glanced at my mother who nodded.
"What!!" My mouth was gaped
"We understand you can't stay here, your our little bird who needs to spread her wings and fly and we don't mean that in a bad way" I was smiling so much my cheeks ached. I hugged them both tears in my eyes.
" When I comeback I'll make sure everyone treats you like a king and queen"
My dad smiled proud of me and my mum had her happy/ worried face on.
"Stay safe Silver Soul" she smiled.

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