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Silver sat on the floor crouched by a blonde haired boy. Blue and I stood staring at her. "Let's go," I said irritatedly. "And leave whoever this is all alone in the cold?" Silver cooed," no way." "Let's move it, hybrid cat girl," said Blue. Suddenly the boy shifted and woke up to see a light brown haired girl with cat ears's face baring down on him. "Agh!" he shrieked. "Hi I'm Silver," Silver kept her face close to his. "Attack!!!!" I yelled and prepared to run the stranger through with the special sword. "No!!" Silver jumped in front of my way. "Um, thanks," the boy murmured," I'm Hawk. Please don't kill me." "Yeah don't kill him," argued Silver. Blue collapsed on the ground laughing. "Hahahahahahahahaha," Blue laughed," Silver you are so funny!" Hawk stood up an brushed the snow off himself. Silver gawked at him, but suddenly fell to the ground as a husky dog jumped on her. "Meet my dog Auburn," sighed Hawk. "Ahh a dog!" Silver was sent into a state of panic," help, help! I hate dogs! Ahhhhhhh! But, don't worry Hawk, I still like you!" The awkwardness hung over them like a cloud. Hawk whistled and turned to leave. A flurry of snow fell between a crestfallen Silver and Hawk's back. "But, you can't leave," Silver howled," I neeeeddddd yooouuuuuuu heeerrrrrrreeeee!" Blue, who had only just stood up, fell back down laughing. Silver scrambled after Hawk and clung to his leg. We all ran after Hawk, who was trying to shake Silver off his leg. "Um go away, hybrid cat girl," shrieked Hawk. Blue writhed around in the floor in hysterics. "Hybrid cat girl!" Blue panted," that's what I call her! Hahahahahhaha hybrid cat girl!" Silver screamed as Hawk dragged her across the floor. "Let her go," I decided," she'll get bored and move on." But for now, it looks like Silver got it bad!

Chapter by silversoul1235 
I haven't update but I will now

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