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Blue PoV

"So we actually get to go to another world now!" Shiver exclaimed

"Yes" Hawk replied bluntly as usual

"Are there flying cats and stuff in other worlds!" Silver asked equally excited as Shiver

"Probably," Hawk again replied in the same tone

"And giant wolves!" Shiver carried on

"I guess so" Hawk replied.... Argh you know what

"Are you ever gonna brighten up!" I burst out making all of them turn around.

"We've been following you around and listening to you but I don't get why when you don't even tell us where you're taking us why you're taking us and when your actually going to open up to us!" Hawk stared at me for a few seconds then turned away and looked at the floor eyes blank.

"There's no one stopping you from leaving us it's not like you're needed. All I need is the sword and its bearer the rest of you are irrelevant to me." Hawk carried on walking forwards as everyone else stood still.

"Fine then." I said turning around and walking the opposite way.


Shiver PoV

Our journey went in silence for a while. The only thing we could hear was the snow crunching below our feet and Auburn's whining for food. We eventually reached a broken down shack. It was made completely of scrappy wood that was probably found lying around in a once thriving forest.

Hawk dumped his bag next to the door that was barely hanging onto its hinges, sort of relates to my patients back at the tribe. Perhaps I was a bit too naïve to just leave the village though, to just trust a random stranger that said he'd take us to another world. Shadow had spoken of Blue but she said nothing about Hawk. Maybe we should have followed Blue instead of him. Well if I don't take risks and chances then I'll be stuck living a boring life.


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