Chapter 2

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Shiver seemed deep in thought again. We called each other by our own chosen names instead of our given they just didn't seem to match us. We were in the dinning room where all the children were fed. We normally ate seal, bear, fish but sometimes when the travelers come home we get to have dried fruit and exotic spices from places like India. It would be impossible for a normal mortal to live in the Arctic but we're not normal mortals we can rely on the Nature Kingdom to help us at least we used to until the Ice Kingdom took control, that's why Shiver is disliked in our tribe. She's was meant to be part of the Ice Kingdom but she was born human and inherited ice powers which she can't control making her a danger to our tribe. The Elder told us that she would bring an end to our tribe and I'd be next to her as she did. They couldn't kick us out though I don't know why, Shiver won't tell me but I do know as long we stay here we'll carry on being hated.

After Silver and I had finished our food we went to see a women who came to sit under a dead tree ever month. She taught me how to control my powers and told me that one day I could use them to help many people. No one else in our tribe new about her, she said if they did they'd fear me even more.
Today she told us a legend
"Once upon a time there was a queen whom gave birth to a child which had innocent eyes, innocent heart and innocent soul. The king and queen celebrated the child's birthday and invited all the kingdoms.
   After everyone had left the king and queen thought it would be best for the Wise Man to see the baby. The Wise Man had news for them. The baby was full of all magic that existed in there world and the outstanding part was that the child had powers from other worlds and could see these other worlds as well.  Unfortunately there was a down side, the child could not survive holding this much power; at least not in human form. The baby's parents were worried, they couldn't let there child die. The Wise Man said there was a lake in a cave which could move souls into other objects. He than gave them a clear stone and told them to put the baby and the stone into the lake together. He also said if they let the baby die all of humanity would die so they had no choice. The king and queen went to the cave and gently placed the baby and the stone into the lake the baby cried it's last cry. Life was drawn out of the baby's body into the stone. After it was done the only thing left was a beautiful silver sword which had a white stone on the handle. Who ever is worthy enough to obtain this sword will be able to posses it's powers and wield it with grace. I feel that you are destined to find it"
" So where is this cave and lake?"  I asked
" Only you know that but what I do know is that it is guarded by three beasts but you should be fine if you are the one destined  to wield it"the women said
"Than we might as well start packing!"

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