Chapter 9

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You are the first Shiver, the first to obtain the sword. This means future generations rely on you to make the right choices. You discover the powers of this sword and to do so you must discover the truth of your life.


"Shiver! Shiver! Damn it Shiver wake up!" Silver's agitated voice pulled me back to reality. Air rushed into my lungs and unusually high power was still dancing around in my body. I was panting confused and wasn't sure what to do I tried unsealing my eyes but it just made them shut tighter. Pain spiked through my body every time I moved. I needed to let it out. I can't hold it in.
   I let go and a gust of ice and wind burst out. I open my eyes finding my self lying on the floor with Blue and Silver at the other side of the cave wall with their arms over their heads to shield them from my gust. Silver's hat had blown of revealing a pair of cat ears. I wasn't surprised of course Silver had been born with them but Blue looked puzzled. We were an amazing group of girls. The attention was mostly bought back to me. "Um ok so you have cat ears, weird...Anyway! So Shiver congrats you got the sword!" Blue smiled at me trying to ignore Silver's evil glares.
"My ears are not weird! Your the shape shifter!" Silver exclaimed
"Well at least I fully change into the animal I want to be!" Blue answered back in the equal tone. I coughed trying to get there attention. They looked at me annoyed. I blocked their faces.
"Um... I'm lying on the floor having no idea what the heck happened to me. I think that's a bit more important then... Ears," I tried to make them chill. It worked...sort of. They kept glaring at each other but then got bored and Silver decided to start planning our next steps.
"So we've got the sword like we were told to now we need to decide what to do next."Silver said some other boring, probably logical, stuff about how we should talk to Shadow and that she should have been clearer.
"Anyone got any ideas" she asked. Blue and I looked at her blankly. Silver didn't seem so happy. She snapped at us
"Look, we've suddenly gone from told what to do, to thinking up our own roots! You need to use that thing in your head called a 'brain' "
"Can't you just tell us what to do?" I made her more flared up.
"Ooh I know why don't we show what our powers can do to each other so we get know each other. We are going to be spending a lot of time together now." I quickly saved my soul from being burnt. Literally.
"Well I've got fire powers." Silver's hand got engulfed by a flame. Normally people got petrified by the sight but Blue just smiled and took it in as a normal thing (better then the ears).
"Well as you probably know I'm a shape shifter but I'm also a Aqua Susurro Latin for water whisperer Silver your a Ignise Susorro, fire whisperer and Shiver your, as I gather, a Ventus Susorro, wind or whisperer" Said Blue
"But Silver and I don't whisper to fire or wind," I pointed out.
"Yes I know but you can speak to them if you find them. Actually, I know what to do next. We're going to find the Elemental Kingdoms!" Blue stood up and started to stuff some equipment into a rucksack beaming. Me and Silver exchanged looks of confusion.
"But it's impossible for humans to find them. How are we going to find them?" Silver asked.
"It's impossible for normal people to find them but we' re not normal people." Blue finished explaining and threw her rucksack to me.
"Come outside. I know a place we can try out that sword. We'll have to train for few days then we can get ready to start our journey." Blue finished
"Oh and bring misfit cat girl with you" Blue smiled she was trying something.

Pic of Silver Soul by silversoul1235

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