Chapter 8

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We peered into the water which rippled from the center every time a sapphire drop hit the surface of the lake. Blue was busy rummaging in a hole behind a rock.
"How can we trust her?"Silver whispered
"Well... She showed us to the sword," I knew she had a point.
"What if she suddenly pulls out a weapon and attacks us!" As soon as Silver said that Blue pulled out a bow and a bag of arrows. Silver and I stepped back in defense mode.
"What's wrong?" Blue queried as if pulling out a weapon was completely normal.
"I won't even dream of hurting you." Blue smirked then adjusted the arrows behind her back and hooked the bow around her making sure it was fit and wouldn't wobble about.
"I'm coming on your adventure with you, you know!" She smiled. I guess she had been waiting for this day for ages. One last thing to do to properly start our journey. Get the sword. I took a deep breath and stepped into the water.
The liquid started to to look like frost only it wasn't solid it just acted like water. The deeper i walked in more the water looked icy. Perhaps it was sucking out my powers? No it didn't feel like it.
The sword seemed to glow beneath the frosty surface which now was starting to crawl up my body. I reached down to grab it and as soon as I did power surged through me. I gasped as air sucked out my lungs. My adrenaline was going insane. My body was frozen. The world went blank.

Pic of Blue by Blue_the_snowleopard
Sorry this chapter was extremely short
I'll give a pic of Silver next

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