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Shiver PoV
Both Blue and Hawk have been teaching me and Silver fighting with bare fists and weapons. Hawk says we need to train before we start going to other worlds. Luckily with the training Ocean gave us before we left we don't need to do much more training. I thought I might send a letter to Ocean to tell her how we are progressing and that I've successfully obtained the sword.
I've also found out new things about my friends. Like Blue likes singing while she showers so don't go anywhere near the bathroom when she's in there. Hawk has 100 different types of swords for all occasions. I didn't find out anything about what he needed my help with unfortunately.

"You need to keep your sword more balanced and fight with it not swinging it around, it needs to glide through the air like a feather" Hawk instructed me. How's a bit of metal supposed to be a feather. Thank goodness he can't read my thoughts other wise he'd be lecturing me about how I'm supposed to respect the sword! It's as if swords have feeling....swords don't have feelings right?
"Well that's all for today." He went back to his tent and left me in the stirring wind. I looked down at my sword. 'Fight with the sword. The words echoed in my head as if they were supposed to make sense. Right now it just looked like a empty object but it's history told a different story. This sword was bonded with a powerful, destructive but innocent soul it could cut through the material of space but it was so subtle nobody else could notice. This was much more than a sword. I just need to unlock all its powers.
"Shiver get inside its getting dark you'll freeze!" Silver called out to me.
"I am the cold" I smiled back.


Hawk PoV
It's been a month now since I've been travelling with the others. We're currently sailing out of the arctic. Sailings been easier having a water whisperer aboard.Shiver's improving and so is her sword and Silver... Well.... Just... Yeah um. I guess there just few of the many people I've traveled with and hoped they were the real sword wielder however  they are the youngest but I guess I was in there place not long ago with my friend. Come to think of it she sort of reminds me of Si... No it can't be. Never mind just a thought.

Authors stuff
Wow this book is still alive! Um Yh that's it bye.

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