Seniors '09 bitches

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(Alex's POV)

To be perfectly honest, the graduation was so painfully long and boring that sharing any sort of details would be pointless. It was the same thing person after person and the same tears over the same speech that everyone expected. I couldn't stand the fact that everyone acted like they would never see each other again. Most of them would stay in this washed up town and marry their high school sweethearts and never see anything different.

The few hours afterwards however, may have been the most exhilarating hours of my entire life. After the ceremonies, Jack and I found Zack, Rian, and Flyzik. We made plans to meet back in the parking lot at exactly 11 pm. With that, we parted ways to pack and say, or not say, our goodbyes.

I drove Jack and I home, and while we packed, he seemed tense.

"Alex, I can't just leave. It'll break their hearts." He said quietly after an hour of silence.

"Jack, this has been our plan. It will all be perfectly fine. I promise. It'll be us against the world, and we'll come out on top." I told him while I packed the last of our things. I didn't leave much other than our beds and the TV.

"I know, it's just...we have to leave a letter. I don't want them to worry."

"They won't Jack. I promise." As I spoke I found a pen and some paper and gave it to him. It seems like it was something he needed to do alone, so I left to take a shower.

(Jack's POV I know...but I had to switch.)

As I sat, thinking about what I would write, my mind wandered to past conversations. They never said they loved me much, but that doesn't mean they didn't. I can't say I have a reason to run. It's just a rash decision, and yet, it feels right.

I clicked the pen and began:

Dear mom and dad,

I know this may come as a surprise, and I promise this is what I want, but Alex and I left late last night. We, along with the other guys, packed our bags and decided to head West to make a career out of our silly garage band. It seems far fetched, but we can make it. I'll miss you dearly, and write when possible, but this is what I have to do. Whether you respect my decision or not, I still love you, and hope for your forgiveness on the matter.

Love always,


As I finished writing my name, Alex walked back in to grab the bags. It was time to leave, and I couldn't help but have a renewed excitement over the occasion. A road trip alone with the guys. Well and my boyfriend. The possibilities seemed limitless.

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