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Locker neighbor

"Fuck, I'm stuttering."

"Did you see how hot that girl was?"

"Mikey can you please stop talking about chicks for one minute?" Luke groaned.

"I could, but I won't." He smiled.

The moment everyone got into the building soaking wet from all the rain that came out of no where. Michael just wouldn't shut up the moment we walked in. He just continued to talk about the new girl who came in on that nice bike this morning. I'm not going to lie she is pretty hot.

Who am I kidding, she's beautiful. I mentally smacked myself as I started to think about her more though, I don't even know her and she probably wouldn't even want to get to know me for the most part.

As rude as this might sound, but we only have a few african american kids who go here and they basically all stick together. They even have their own table at lunch and sit together and everything. She might just end up in that crowd sooner than later.

As the three of us were currently by my locker waiting for Ashton since he was taking so damn long to get out of his damn car. Probably lost his damn phone since he's always some how loosing it. I don't even understand how that's even possibly how someone could loose their phone as much as he as in a day.

"She almost made me fuck up my car too." Ashton spat as he walked up to us shaking his curly wet hair. He leaned against a locker with arms crossed against his chest and staring with a glare in Michael's direction.

"My bad." We heard a small voice yet loud enough for the four of us to hear.

Luke moved aside reviling the girl we've been talking about for some time now. She met eyes with me as soon as she looked up and had a slight smile on her face that made my stomach hurt again. Her hair was a dark purple into two braids, some dark purple lipstick, and she had a nice leather jacket on along with a Mayday Parade t-shirt on. I could feel my face look at it with so much confusion as I wondered if she actually listened to them or even knew who the hell they were at all?

"You alright? You seem like you've never seen a girl before?" She laughed. Her laugh was extremely beautiful even though it was kind of loud, but I didn't mind.

"Uhh, I'm sorry." I scratched the back of my head awkwardly.

"Actually no, I'm sorry." She turned to Ashton. "I didn't see your car when I was trying to park. Sometimes I get a little carried away with my bike and think I'm all top shit and what not." She laughed again making Luke laugh and smile too at her, which made me glare at him.

"It's cool." Ashton chuckled removing his hand from his chest and placing them into his pockets. It's something he does when he's nervous.

She nodded and for some reason it seemed like she was actually going to ask us something because of how she stood there. She looked down at her boots and sighed slowly. It seemed like to me she made so much effort to talk to us, but now that confidence she once had now she's suddenly shy? I found it kind of cute though.

"Okay, I'm sorry." She started speaking again getting all of our attention.

"I'm new obviously and my name is Jaiden. I need help finding my locker and my classes." She shrugged with a smile. "Could you guys help me?"

I felt my lips curve into the biggest smile as she looked at all of us in hope we'd say yes. And of course we did. Turns out her locker was actually right next to mine which I thought was awesome and she had two classes with Luke and one class with Michael.

Her and Ashton are in the same homeroom, but since Ashton is in a grade higher than all of us that's all he has with her. Sadly, Jaiden and I only had one class together, but we all had the same hour lunch which is another bonus.

"Shit I need to go to my locker, I'll see you guys in a bit." Michael waved walking away.

Ashton already left to go and meet someone and Luke went to the "bathroom" meaning he's meeting Erica Adams in the locker rooms to do what they always do. Main reason he's always late to class because he's always messing around, literally. With the three of them gone they left me alone with Jaiden by our lockers. She was currently grabbing her things for her classes and putting them in her bag which made me laugh.

"What?" She smiled.

"You aren't going to need all of that." I chuckled.

"What do you mean? It's for class." She crossed her arms stepping closer in front of me. A wave of nervousness hit me in tat moment, but I tried not to make it obvious. But I knew she noticed.

"Uh.. Well, I-I." Fuck. I'm stuttering. She started laughing and closed her locker.

"I'll see you later Cal." She laughed nudging my shoulder with her fist as she walked away.

It caught my off guard that she called me by my nickname. But I didn't mind. Sounded better when she says it anyway. I turned my head catching myself watching her walk away off to her first class. I must've been staring for awhile because when I looked up I saw her looking at me smiling and laughing.

I turned back to face my locker and placed my head onto the cold shelf.

A silent groan left my lips. "Idiot."

Jaiden | CthWhere stories live. Discover now