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Old is the new

"Cal likes black girls now?"

I was never this excited to get to lunch in a very long time. The guys and I except for Michael, sat at our usual lunch table after getting our food. As I was looking around for Jaiden I saw Michael finally entered the cafeteria and started heading towards us.

He groaned as he took his seat. "I fucking hate Ms. Johnson."

"And why is that?" Ashton chuckled.

"She gave me a damn F on my test." He rolled this eyes.

"Did you study?" I asked even though it was obvious he didn't. He never does.

"No.." He trails off. "But that's not the point." He sighed.

The guys and I shook our heads and laughed, he does this all the time. Gets upset with the teachers for giving him a bad grade and when something just doesn't go his way, period. For someone who dyes their hair practically every three days and claims they're a badass sure acts more like a child.

I continued to look around for Jaiden and not seeing her anywhere. Maybe she got lost? "Have you guys seen Jaiden?"

Michael shrugged before taking a bite out of his burger. "I haven't."

"Does Cal like black girls now?" Luke smirked

"Dude, race doesn't matter." Ashton shook his head at him as I nodded in agreement. "Plus I wouldn't blame Calum if he wanted to tap that." He chuckled wiping his face with a napkin.

"I never said tha-"

"You don't have to mate, it's obvious you have a thing for her." Mikey shrugged.

"I do not." I rolled my eyes crossing my arms over chest. Was it that obvious?

"We just met." I chuckled. "You guys are idiots."

"Admit Calum, you like her!" Luke shouted causing me to reach over and cover his mouth with my hand.

"I don't like her Luke, now would you please shut the fuck up." I laughed.

"Like who?"

I turned around to be face to face with Jaiden. She was smiling and looked quite amused as she looked back an forth at me and Luke. I removed my hand from his mouth and placed both of my hands on my thighs awkwardly rocking back an forth.

"Nobody." I chuckled awkwardly.

"All lies." Mikey says smirking.

I turned around and gave him a death glare then turned back around. She shook her head smiling as she took a seat next to me and sat down placing her things onto the table along with a notebook that was in her hand.

The notebook had her name on it, she had such beautiful handwriting. I leaned into the side looking over her shoulder checking out what she was drawing, it was amazing. After I dumped my tray and sat down, I couldn't help it but stare at it. I felt someone was staring at me which caused me to look up making eye contact with her.

I cleared my throat backing away slowly. "Uhm, I'm sorry."

"Don't be." She laughed. "I've actually never seen someone so interested in my drawings before, except you."

I smiled at her as she looked away. She seemed embarrassed that she said that out loud, but I thought it was cute. She's pretty cute. I shook my head laughing as I sat back in my chair grabbing a few of Luke's fries and dipping them in ketchup. I looked up and saw Michael staring at me?

"What's your problem?" I asked.

"Oh, Nothing." He yawned then laughed afterwards.

I heard Jaiden laugh under her breathe as she continued to draw in her mini notepad. I wonder what she's thinking? I hope she doesn't pay too much attention to Michael or any of my idiot friends since they tend to fuck things up for me when it comes to girls.

"Your not eating?" Luke asked Jaiden.

"Nah, I already ate." She shrugged.

"What do you mean? Lunch didn't start till awhile ago?" Ashton this time asked confused.

"I uh, skipped one of my classes to go and get something to eat." She laughed scratching the back of her head.

"You skipped a class on your first day!?" The four of us said in synch

Jaiden was startled by it and started laughing again. Her loud laugh caused us to laugh along with her till she calmed down and wiped under her eyes. "Yes, yes I did guys." She chuckled.

"It isn't that big of a deal though." She shrugged.

Michael made a face. "But you're new here, wouldn't you want to know how everything works?"

"It isn't that hard." She shrugged. "I mean, being the "new kid." She smiled as she used air quotes. "I mean sooner or later I'm not going to be the new kid anymore and I'll just be a normal student like everyone else. And everyone else skips once in awhile, even you guys." She smiled.

"Okay, I'm just going to say it. You're literally the definition of a badass." Michael had his hands up causing Jaiden to laugh.

"Thanks?" She smiled.

We all laughed, but nodded in agreement about what she meant and it does all make sense. The new kid is just a label that is titled to someone that's a new face that shows at a different school. Just anothrt regular person and or student. Just another face in the crowds.

Jaiden then started packing up all her things and flung her bag over her shoulder. "I'll see you guys later."

I caught myself standing up quickly reaching for her arm. "Wait, where are you going?"

"Just to grab my things for my next class, you can come if you want Cal." She smiled.

"Oh." I laughed awkwardly removing my arm. "Uh, sure."


A/n: I just wanted to thank you guys for all the recent votes and wonderful comments I've been getting, I know they aren't as much, but I still appreciate it and all of you for reading. I had my doubts about this book, but now I see a lot of you enjoy it. I'll try and update as much as I can :))

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