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Sweet Intentions

"Okay, okay I dare you to kiss Cal."

It's not that I feel extremely uncomfortable cramped up in the back seat next to Mikey and Calum. I just couldn't get the image of Cal hitting Drew out of my head though. It was pretty cool, not gonna lie. It was just surprising to see. I would've picture someone like Ashton or Vanessa to do it, before him.

Not saying he doesn't have the guts to do it, obviously he does. But he's just so sweet, funny, cute, and seems like he wouldn't hurt a fly. I don't know why I grew quiet damn near the whole way there, but everytime I would look over at Calum he would just be looking out the window with a sad look on his face.

I honestly didn't know how to approach him, or if I should even approach him on the situation? I felt a tap on my leg and it caused me to look up at Mikey. He had a small smile on his face and then it resorted to him crossing his eyes to look at his nose. It made me laugh a little, but I covered my mouth and nudged his shoulder.

"Let's play a game." He said.

"Okay, sure." I smiled.

The rest of the way there Michel and I were playing a bunch of games, like eye spy or fucking tag with everyone till Ashton got annoyed and threatened to make us crash if anyone touched him again. It was quiet for a moment till Luke started up Marco Polo with us and we've been saying it back and fourth for so long I could tell Calum got annoyed by it just by his body language.

"Everyone just shut the fuck up." Ashton groaned.

"What's up your ass?" Luke asked.

"Probably a dildo." I mumbled with a laugh.

"I heard that." He looked in the review mirror at me with a serious look.

"Good." I sat up and reached to pinch his cheeks.

When I sat back, I noticed Calum shifted and his body just tensed up. I wasn't sure what his problem was at the moment, but I didn't bother to ask. Michael placed his hand on his shoulder laughing and Calum's hand was squeezing into a fist.

"Cal?" I whispered and placed my hand over one of his fists. He looked down at me as if he didn't realize it till I pointed it out.

"I'm sorry." Was all he said and then cleared his throat and looked back out the window. I opened his hand with mine and then held it. He squeezed it softly and it made me smile as I watched his thumb move up and down along the top of my hand.

His hands were not only very soft, they were so much bigger than mine and it was kind of funny. It was strange because I felt comfortable with doing this. It just felt, right.

"Are we there yet?" Luke asked

"I don't know." Ashton replied.

"We are! Pull up here." I smiled.

"Yay, ice cream!" Mikey cheered.

"Fuck, Micheal you're on my foot." Cal yelled.

"My bad." I laughed, he looked at me with a smile.

Ashton pulled up into the parking lot and parked in the first parking spot in front of the window. When the car finally came to a stop, everyone quickly got out of the car. I stayed back as the guys were heading their way inside. I walked in the middle of the parking lot with my hands in my jacket pockets and looking up at the sky.

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