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Ninja Turtle Boxers

"You remember that strip show you requested?"

I was drawing in my notebook when I heard the bell ring. I didn't bother to get up like everyone else right away because I had lunch next period, but when I was finished with my drawing I packed up all my things and grabbed my bag.

When I stood up I noticed someone by the door staring at me. He had this odd look in his eyes, followed by a smirk plastered on his lightly colored chapped lips. He had dark brown hair, a grey long sleeve shirt on, and a pair of dark blue jeans covering his legs. I gave him a confused look and then tried my best to make it seem like I wasn't paying him no attention when I left the room and entered the hallway.

"Jaiden right?" He asked. I nodded and then looked up at him with an awkward smile. "You're the new girl." He smiled.

"It's been a month dude, I wouldn't necessarily keep calling me the new girl." I laughed.

After that was said two other guys came next to him and gave me odd looks before laughing. I just stood there with a blank expression because I wasn't sure on what was so funny or why we were even speaking to each other? Something about their laughs wasn't really nice, more like obnoxious. When I started to turn around and leave, one of them decided to speak up.

"Nah man, more like the only black girl at this school." He chuckled.

"Dude c'mon, don't bring up race in this." The other said still laughing.

I rolled my eyes and started walking the other direction. Trying to get away from them as quick as possible before I would do or say something I would regret later on. "You're right, I'm pretty sure we can over that though. Look at her ass."

I ignored the comment and kept walking. I entered the lunch room surrounded by a ton of people either goofing around, waiting in line for their food, or just standing like a zombie zoning in and out from space from time to time. I noticed pink hair from across the room and instantly laughed a little bit and started walking over by the table.

"There she is." Ashton smiled.

"We almost thought you forgot where lunch was." Michael chuckled.

I don't know why, but as soon as I sat down I felt extremely uncomfortable. I just smiled at the boys and then placed a loose strain of my hair behind my ear before looking around the room. I saw the three boys a few tables away from us staring at me with strange looks. Looks I couldn't really describe, but they definitely did make me feel extremely uncomfortable.

It got my thinking about the comments they made about me, about how I'm the only colored girl here. They weren't completely wrong I mean, the other girls I've seen here that were a different race were mixed of course..

"Jay." A soft voice got my attention.

I looked up to see Calum with a wide smile that turned into a worried look, I felt a wet substance fall on my arm and that caused me to look down. I then felt my face and it took me a moment to realize I was crying, why the hell was I crying? I looked at the guys and they all gave me concerned looks. I quickly got up and grabbed my bag before walking far away from the table.

Jaiden | CthWhere stories live. Discover now