Chapter 4

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Alan walked me up to my front door leaving Oliver walking to their home.
"Yuritzxi I had fun today. We are definitely hanging out again soon."
"I had fun too. Maybe tomorrow we can watch movies on netflix?"
"Sounds like a date." Alan kissed my cheek and ran to catch up with Oliver. I couldn't breathe, Alan just kissed my cheek and he said were going on a date. I walked inside and my mom came jogging up to me.
"How was he? Is he nice? Are you going to date?" My mom kept going on.
"He is a very nice boy,we are NOT dating, and we are hanging out here tomorrow." My mom smiled and I tried not to, but I couldn't help myself.
"Did he kiss you?" I smiled and she gasped
"It was on the cheek! And I'm surprised you didn't see it happen we were right on the
front door. It was so magical, first he said our hang out tomorrow is a date and then he kissed my cheek. Mom my breath was taken right out of me. Its like we knew each other since forever." I couldn't help but to smile and blush and neither could my mom. She hugged me and I hugged back.
My family ordered pizza and after that I went upstairs to find Alan on my bed.
"What are you doing?" I asked.
"I forgot to give you my number." He took my phone and put his number in and he put
his contact name as 'Babe'. He crawled out my window.

Alan Matheus ♡Where stories live. Discover now