chapter 10

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When I woke up, it was 10:30. I asked if I could hangout with Alan and my mom let me go. I was wearing black sweats with a tie­die shirt and black uggs.
Alan walked outside to greet me. He hugged me and told me to wait there. He walked to my mom and said hi. She then drove away.
"I have to tell you something. The boys are over to hang out with us, and by boys I mean Oli, Jaime,Sebastian,Yoandri, Jake,Joel,Christopher, and Axel."
"I always wanted to meet them, I bet they are really funny."
"Yea, but they can be a little pushy sometimes. Just stick with me alright?"
"Anything for you Babe." I kissed Alan's cheek. He put his arm around me and walked inside. We walked upstairs and they ALL came running to us.
"You picked a pretty one." said Jaime.
"Easy, she's 14 remember." added Yoandri.
"Guys, this is Yuritzxi, Yuritzxi this is the guys." explained Alan.
"Hi guys." I said. They all waved and then went into Oli's room. "I thought you said they were wild."
"They are." Alan opened his door and shut it. Alan opened his window. "C'mon." He waved me to come over there. "Look at the view. Let's go on the roof!"
"Sure." I was kinda nervous, but I wanted to be a rebel. Alan got up there and reached for my hand. I took his hand and I climbed up while he was pulling me up. We sat up there and Alan put his arm around me and I placed my head on his shoulder.
"Awh." said the boys in unison.
"Let me take a picture." said Yoandri. I giggled and Alan tried not to. After Yoandri took the picture they left. Alan started to climb down.
"Where are you going?" I asked.
"To get something I'll be back." Then he was gone. I heard someone and when I turned around it was Yoandri.
"Hey, just wanted to let you know when Oli and I facetime Alan he never stops talking about you. He really likes you" said Cam.
"Good, I like him a lot too. I just can't explain the feeling ya know?"
"Yea.. I better go, don't get too frisky." Yoandri laughed and then went inside the house. It was getting longer waiting for Alan. I pulled out my phone and played on it. it was now 11:30 and I went inside. When I got in Alan's room there was another girl who was kissing him.
hey guys :)))))))

Alan Matheus ♡Where stories live. Discover now